Examples of technology changing lives

  1. Technology has changed the way we communicate

There are many devices today that are enabled by other technological advances that are very important in everyday life.

Most people own PC computers, tablets and smartphones, and can easily communicate across different platforms. In the past, you had to write a letter to communicate with someone.

The letter may even take a few days to deliver.

You must also track the letter to see if it was sent and received by the appropriate person.

Mistakes are not uncommon. However, there is no such phenomenon today - science and technology have established this. If you want to communicate with someone in society, all you have to do is send them a message or call them on social media.

  1. Has technology changed how we pay bills and move money

You no longer have to enter the bank to withdraw money or transfer money to someone.

You can even live without entering a bank. Many banks can already register online and be accessed. Companies like PayPal created a platform where people could use the Internet to send and receive money from any location.

Paying bills has also been simplified thanks to technology.

You don't have to carry cash with you when you go shopping. Using mobile phones and banking apps, you can do all the necessary bill payments online.

  1. Technology has reduced the amount of labor we do

In family life, doing housework is a task that is completed by each family, but now that science and technology are becoming more and more developed, many small machines have been invented that can make it easier for us to complete housework, and refrigerators and washing machines are common household appliances.

Sweeping robot, small and cute, not only can clean the corners of the health, but also artificial intelligence control, can give instructions on mobile phones, and will intelligently avoid obstacles, etc., is a good helper for home life.

4, travel mode, efficient and fast transportation

Due to the development of science and technology, our travel is becoming more and more convenient, gradually popular high-speed rail, subway and so on. The increasingly developed means of transportation are faster and more convenient in terms of transportation.

In the past, it may take several days and nights to travel from south to north, but because the new transportation time has been greatly shortened, it has also given birth to many express transportation industries.

Extended information:

Society is used to linking science and technology together, collectively referred to as science and technology. In fact, both of them are closely related and have important differences.

Science solves theoretical problems, technology solves practical problems.

The problem to be solved by science is to discover the relationship between facts and phenomena in nature, and to establish theories to link facts and phenomena. The task of technology is to apply the results of science to practical problems.

Science deals primarily with uncharted territory, and advances, especially major breakthroughs, are unpredictable. The technology is working in a relatively mature field and can be planned more accurately.

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