How to regulate the spleen and stomach in summer

As the temperature gradually rises, many people will feel the mouth dry and bitter, stomach burning, pantothenic acid, easy to fatigue and other uncomfortable symptoms. These symptoms are often related to summer water imbalance, digestive function weakened and other factors, in addition to pay attention to drink more water, it is also recommended to adjust the diet and rest.

It is easy to injure fluid and consume gas conditioning from four aspects

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the hot summer weather is easy to lead to excessive sweating, injury of fluid consumption, dry mouth bitter, fatigue and fatigue. Coupled with more wet heat, people are easy to cool like to drink cold drinks, easy to damp the spleen and stomach, so that the temper does not rise, stomach qi does not fall, easy to appear stomach distension, acid reflux, mental sleepiness and other symptoms. In response to these problems, we can adjust from the following four aspects:

First of all, summer must drink more water, especially warm water, effectively supplement the loss of water in the body, relieve the symptoms of dry mouth bitter mouth.

Secondly, we should adjust our eating habits. On the one hand, we should avoid excessive drinking cold cold, spicy, greasy, fried and other irritant food; On the other hand, it is recommended to eat more light and easy to digest food, such as porridge, noodles and seasonal vegetables such as cucumber, winter melon, tomato, eggplant, mung bean sprouts, celery, lettuce, loofah and so on.

In addition, diet can be adjusted appropriately according to physical performance. If you often feel dry mouth bitter, tired and tired, you can eat more fruit to quench thirst, such as watermelon, strawberries, grapes, bayberry, plum, lemon, sugar cane, etc., you can also choose to reduce the heat of the sugar water, such as mung bean sugar water, red bean sugar water, horse chestnut sugar water, coconut water sago dew.

If there is stomach burning sensation, acid reflux and other gastric acid increase performance, you can also appropriately increase some alkaline foods, such as soda crackers, noodles, etc., usually choose ginger, amomum, cardamom and other extensives and dispels the dampness of medicine and food dual-use ingredients, such as vinegar soaked ginger, amomum pork belly soup, cardamom and lotus porridge.

In addition to diet, it is also important to maintain a good rest and proper exercise. It is recommended to ensure adequate sleep time, avoid staying up late and overwork. At the same time, you can choose some moderate exercise, such as walking, jogging, swimming, etc., can promote the body's metabolism and enhance the body's immunity.

Spleen and stomach discomfort recommended three conditioning soup

In response to the common symptoms of spleen and stomach discomfort in summer, the following three conditioning recipes are recommended, may choose as needed:

  1. Pork belly soup with sand kernel and poria

Ingredients: 10 g amomum kernel, 15 g Tuckahoe, 30 g pearl barley, 1 pig stomach, 6 pieces of ginger, 2 dates.

Method: Break the sand kernel, soak the poria and Job's tears for 30 minutes, set aside; Clean the pork belly and rub it twice inside and out with coarse salt. Put the sand kernel and tuckahoe into the gauze bag, fill the pig stomach, and then sew with a needle and thread; Put the above ingredients in a pot with water, boil the heat, turn to low heat and cook the soup for 1.5 hours, then add salt to taste and drink the soup, eat the pork belly.

Suitable for people: people with stomach pain, bloating, indigestion and other symptoms caused by qi stagnation and dampness or spleen and stomach weakness.

Yin deficiency with heat, gastrointestinal damp heat is not suitable for people.

  1. Pork bone soup with winter melon and lentil barley

Ingredients: 250g winter melon, 30g white lentil beans, 30g Job's tears, 500g pig bone, 3 dates.

Practice: Cut winter melon into pieces; Roasted white lentils; Wash and cut pork bones, blanch and remove; Add white lentils, coix seeds, pork bones and dates to a pot, add 10 bowls of water, bring to a boil, simmer for 1 hour, season.

Suitable for people: heavy moisture, body sleepiness, heavy hair, abdominal distension, indigestion, sticky stool, white or thick tongue coating, etc.

Stomach cold pain, menstrual period and cold dysmenorrhea are not suitable for eating this formula.

  1. Green bean soup with lotus root powder

Materials: Mung bean appropriate amount, lotus root powder appropriate amount, rock sugar, brown sugar appropriate amount.

Method: Cook a pot of mung bean soup, cook until the mung bean is ripe, the soup is thick, add the brewed lotus root powder, stir well. Add a small amount of rock sugar or honey according to personal taste.

Suitable for people: stomach pain, stomach burning, acid reflux and other stomach acid, stomach heat.

It is not suitable for people with dyspepsia such as spleen and stomach deficiency cold and stomach distension and belching.

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