First of all, we only feel the pain in the stomach area, but the location of the pain is a personal subjective judgment, and the location of the lesion cannot be accurately located.
Unlike where the skin hurts, visceral pain is difficult to pinpoint, such as appendicitis, liver cirrhosis, pancreatic cancer, which is not a stomach problem itself, but also produces stomach pain symptoms.
Appendicitis: more than half of patients with appendicitis in the early stage of the disease are manifested as "stomach pain", stomach pain, to be a few hours after the onset of the pain slowly concentrated in the right lower abdomen, medically known as metastatic right lower abdominal pain.
Hepatocirrhosis is represented by portal hypertensive gastropathy. After hepatocirrhosis, the venous flow of esophagus, fundus of stomach and the whole digestive system into the liver is blocked and slowed down, manifested as gastrointestinal congestion, followed by gastrointestinal discomfort such as stomach pain and poor appetite.
Pancreatic cancer: The pancreas is located behind the stomach, deep in the abdomen, surrounded by nerve plexus, lymph nodes, pancreatic cancer is particularly easy to invade the nerve, causing pain.
The reason why pancreatic cancer is difficult to diagnose early is that its early manifestations are very similar to stomach diseases, and many people feel that pancreatic cancer is stomach pain before diagnosis.
Gallstones, cholecystitis: the gallbladder is located in the right upper abdomen, adjacent to the gastric antrum, gallstones, cholecystitis often manifested as upper abdominal pain, patients are often described as "stomach pain" before diagnosis.
Intestinal cramps: internal pain positioning is not accurate, intestines occupy the entire abdominal cavity, spasm up often painful people can not tell whether it is stomach pain or intestinal cramps.
Heart disease: myocardial ischemia and myocardial infarction caused by coronary heart disease will produce severe pain, the typical pain location is in the chest, but the pain range can be from the mouth to the abdomen, so the pain up to the mouth and down to the abdominal cavity should be alert to the possibility of coronary heart disease.
Arterial disease: The aorta runs from the heart, through the chest and into the pelvis, and can cause severe pain if torn or aneurysmal.
The pain site and lesion site are often the same, and severe pain in the upper abdomen cannot rule out the possibility of artery tear, aneurysm, and artery embolism.
Stomach pain from emotional problems
Many people in emotional anxiety or mental stress often accompanied by stomach pain attacks.
People are in a state of work pressure and excessive psychological burden for a long time, which will also have a great impact on the stomach.Excessive mental pressure leads to autonomic nervous disorder, which leads to dyssecretion of gastric juice, reduced blood supply of gastric mucosa, etc. The mild manifestations are stomach pain and poor appetite, and the severe ones can lead to gastric ulcer.
Do not recommend "stomach pain first go to the pharmacy to buy stomach medicine to eat"
Stomach pain is common, but not so simple, it is not recommended that "stomach pain first go to the pharmacy to buy stomach medicine to eat" this practice, in case the pain is caused by myocardial infarction, artery tear which may cause death at any time, or by malignant tumors such as stomach cancer, pancreatic cancer, the above hasty approach will make people regret it.
Seemingly simple a stomach pain are so complex, the same reason, if you encounter unexplained abdominal pain do not take the initiative, the wise choice is to seek medical attention in time.