Stomachache daily conditioning attention six points

Modern people work busy, easy to eat irregular meals, stomach pain is common. But if you always treat stomach pain as a small matter, it will pass, and drag it down for years and months, it may bring big trouble.

Stomachache refers to pain in the upper abdominal duct near the heart pit, and is often accompanied by distension, belching, acid reflux, heartburn, nausea, nausea, appetite loss and other symptoms. As the saying goes, "three parts of the stomach disease, seven parts of the nourishment", for people who often have stomach pain, there are three suggestions:

First, it is recommended to go to a regular hospital to find a specialist system diagnosis and treatment, find the real cause of stomach pain, can not be delayed. From the perspective of Western medicine, the diseases that cause stomach pain are organic and functional. Common organic diseases include chronic gastritis, gastroduodenal ulcer, gastric cancer, cholelithiasis with cholecystitis, myocardial infarction, etc. Common functional diseases include functional dyspepsia, gastric ptosis and so on. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that stomachache is mostly caused by spleen deficiency, weak body, improper diet, poor mood and other factors.

Second, do not forbear not to treat, buy medicine without authorization, treatment is not thorough. Without effective treatment and recuperation for a long time, stomach pain may become more and more serious, and even have the risk of developing gastric ulcer and stomach cancer. Therefore, patients must follow the doctor's advice to take medicine, adhere to treatment, and regularly return to the doctor.

Third, patients with stomach pain can adjust their daily life through the following six aspects.

  1. Diet conditioning: In the daily diet, the diet should be light and regular, three meals should be fixed and quantitative, each meal should be seven points full, meat and vegetables with balanced nutrition.

  2. Emotional conditioning: "Anger hurts the liver, thinking hurts the spleen". To control their bad emotions and keep a happy mood is beneficial to the normal activities of the spleen and stomach function.

  3. Daily living and nursing: to develop good living habits, work and rest on time, early to bed and early to rise. Sports recuperation: Regular exercise can enhance physical fitness and improve disease resistance.

  4. Acupoint massage: press Zusanli, Neiguan and Zhongwan can relieve stomach pain symptoms, and press for about 5 to 10 minutes each time to promote blood circulation and relieve pain.

  5. Abdominal massage: Before going to bed every night, you can take the navel as the center of the circle, massage 30 circles each in the clockwise and counterclockwise direction, long-term massage of the abdomen can help the spleen and stomach digest.

  6. When stomach pain is acute, it is recommended to take a deep breath, relax, find a warm and comfortable environment to lie down, use a hot water bag or a hot towel to compress the stomach duct, and drink an appropriate amount of warm water, which can quickly and effectively relieve stomach pain.

Nourishing stomach diet therapy

  1. Dangshen Huaishan Pork Rib Soup

Ingredients: 20 grams of codonopsis, 15 grams of Huai yam, 5 red dates, 200 grams of pork ribs.

Method: Clean the ribs and cut them into sections, put them in boiling water to blanch the blood water, remove them and rinse them with cold water, put them in the casserole, peel the yam and cut them into chunks, wash the codonginseng and red dates and put them in the pot together, add an appropriate amount of water, put the scallions, ginger slices, rice wine in the pot, first boil with high fire, wait for the soup to boil, then cook with low heat for 30 minutes, and finally add salt to taste.

Efficacy: invigorating spleen to remove dampness, promote appetite. It is suitable for the weak of the spleen and stomach (often manifested as poor appetite, upper abdominal distension, acid belching, limb weakness, tasteless mouth, loose stool and other symptoms).

Taboo people: Stomach Yin deficiency (often manifested as dull or burning stomach pain, hunger, dry mouth and other symptoms) avoid taking.

  1. Stewed Black chicken soup with Coix seed

Ingredients: Chicken bone grass 30g, coix seed 20g, 1 black chicken.

Method: Chicken bone grass 30 grams with an appropriate amount of water fry, to leave the juice. Cut 1 black chicken, remove the dirt and tail, wash the coix seed and put it into the chicken belly, add the medicine juice, cook for 1 hour after boiling, add a little salt and ginger.

Efficacy: clearing heat and diuresis. It is suitable for those with dampness and heat in the spleen and stomach (often manifested as abdominal fullness, bitter mouth and bad breath, nausea or vomiting, viscous stool or loose stool).

Taboo people: Yin deficiency fire (often manifested as sore throat, upset insomnia, dry mouth and dry throat and other symptoms).

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