Young and middle-aged people should be wary of stomach pain

In our daily work, we can often see colleagues holding down their stomachs and working through pain, or we have been one of them.

Stomach discomfort symptoms are common pain, bloating, belching, acid reflux and so on. A variety of diseases can cause stomach discomfort such as stomach pain and bloating.

There are many causes of stomach pain, some are the stomach itself, some are other parts of the disease but in the form of stomach pain.

It is worth noting that among the interviewees in different age groups, the proportion of people diagnosed with stomach diseases is the highest in the post-80s and post-90s, about 77%, and 66% of the young post-00s have been diagnosed with stomach diseases.

Everyone in different ages will almost have different degrees of stomach diseases, but in recent years, it has been found that young people in their twenties and thirties have significantly increased the incidence of stomach diseases, and there is a trend of younger people.

Stomach pain caused by problems with the stomach itself


Eating cold, irritating food can cause gastrointestinal cramps, which may lead to stomach pain.


Incorrect use of aspirin or an attack of acute gastritis may lead to stomach pain.


A large amount of liquor directly damages gastric mucosa and causes gastric mucosal erosion, which may lead to stomach pain.


Gastric mucosa atrophy, digestive ability weakened, prone to stomach pain after eating.


Infection with Helicobacter pylori, may cause damage to the gastric mucosa, digestive ability weakened, prone to stomach pain after eating.

Cancer transformation:

Stomach tumors may cause stomach pain if they invade nerves.

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