Staying up late will not only lead to bald head but also deafness

These are the main causes of sudden deafness

Sudden deafness is sudden, and patients often develop symptoms quickly, within minutes, hours, or 3 days. It is manifested as a subjective hearing impairment in one or both ears, often accompanied by tinnitus, vertigo, and a sense of ear fullness.

The etiology and pathophysiological mechanism of sudden deafness have not been fully defined. The common etiology includes vascular disease, viral infection, autoimmune disease, infectious disease, tumor and so on.

It is generally believed that mental tension, pressure, mood swings, irregular life, sleep disorders, etc. may be the main causes of sudden deafness.

Delayed treatment or permanent hearing loss

Different patients have different degrees of hearing recovery. The greater the degree of hearing loss, the worse the prognosis. If detected and treated in time, it can speed up patients' hearing recovery and improve their quality of life.

Therefore, symptoms such as deafness, tinnitus, vertigo, ear fullness or obstruction should be seen in time, do not delay. Missing the best time for treatment can lead to permanent deafness.

When is the best time to treat? The earlier treatment is started, the better the prognosis. Spontaneous hearing improvement is the most in the first two weeks of illness, later recovery also occurs, but very rarely.

Similarly, medication provided maximum hearing recovery in the first two weeks and had little effect in the next four to six weeks.

The doctor gave three suggestions for treatment

How to treat sudden deafness? During the acute onset of sudden deafness within 3 weeks, most of them are vascular lesions of the inner ear, and it is recommended to use glucocorticoid + hemorheology treatment (including blood dilution, improving blood flow and reducing viscosity/fibrinogen, specific drugs include ginkgo biloba extract, batroxase, etc.).

Depending on the condition, the treatment options are not exactly the same. Basic treatment recommendations are as follows:

Recommended use of glucocorticoids oral administration of prednisone 1mg/kg per day (the maximum dose is recommended to be 60mg), taken once in the morning for 3 days, if effective, can be stopped after 2 days.

Do not have to reduce gradually, if ineffective can be stopped directly. Hormones can also be given intravenously, methylprednisolone 40mg or dexamethasone 10mg, in the same course as oral hormones.

Hormonal therapy is first recommended with systemic administration and local administration can be used as a remedial treatment, including intravympanic injections or injections behind the ear. Intra-tympanic injection can be dexamethasone 5mg or methylprednisolone 20mg, once every other day, 4 to 5 times. Methylprednisolone can be given 20 to 40mg or dexamethasone 5 to 10mg, once every other day, four to five times in a row. If follow-up is difficult, compound Betamethasone 2mg can be used, and it can be injected once behind the ear.

Sudden deafness may result in secondary damage to the auditory nerve. During and after the acute phase, neurotrophic drugs such as methcobalamin and neurotrophic factors can be given, as well as antioxidants such as lipoic acid and ginkgo biloba extract.

During the course of treatment, if the hearing is completely recovered, you can consider stopping the drug.

For patients with poor drug treatment, the treatment time can be extended according to the situation, or hyperbaric oxygen therapy can be considered as a remedial measure. For those with poor final treatment effect, hearing AIDS or cochlear implants can be selected according to the degree of hearing loss after hearing stabilization.

Let the "ear root clean" 5 good ways

Remove headphones, wear them for long periods of time, and play them at loud volumes can affect hearing.

Adjust the rest and mentality often stay up late, overwork, and psychological pressure, may induce a variety of diseases. Keeping a good life and a stable attitude can help us avoid a lot of trouble.

Ototoxic drugs, some drugs have ototoxic, do not use freely, consult a doctor or pharmacist before using.

Keep your ear canal clean and hygienic, and be careful not to overdo it when picking ear wax.

Stay away from noisy and noisy places, and be in a noisy environment for a long time, which will have a bad effect on hearing and spirit. If it cannot be avoided, you can consider appropriate acoustic insulation measures such as ear plugs.

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