Three kinds of fruits aggravate old stomach disease

Fruit throughout the year, but eat more is not good for the body, have found that eat some uncomfortable stomach?

It is suggested that some "old stomach disease" should eat less three kinds of fruit.

Kiwi laxative but heartburn

Kiwi fruit is laxative, rich in vitamin C, known as the "king of fruits."

But kiwifruit is cold, overeating damage the spleen and stomach Yang, will produce abdominal pain, diarrhea and other symptoms.

In addition, the large amount of vitamin C and pectin contained in kiwifruit will increase stomach acid, increase the burden of stomach, produce abdominal pain, pantothenic acid, heartburn and other symptoms, and the symptoms will worsen when the weather is cold.

In the current cold season, patients with stomach diseases (spleen and stomach Yang deficiency) should eat less or even do not eat kiwi.

Fresh jujube taste good but jujube peel to the stomach

Winter jujube natural "vitamin pill" said, fresh jujube should not eat too much, otherwise it will hurt the stomach.

This is because the dietary fiber content of jujube is very high, and a large intake will stimulate the stomach and cause gastrointestinal discomfort.

Most of the dietary fiber is found in the jujube peel, which is thin and hard with sharp edges.

If the stomach lining happens to be inflamed or ulcerated, it can increase pain and discomfort.

Hawthorn appetizers easily cause stones

Many people think hawthorn appetizers, sweet and sour, so they will eat a lot if they are not careful.

However, people with poor spleen and stomach eat less hawthorn, and overeating hawthorn may lead to stomach stones.

Because of the high content of pectin and tannic acid in hawthorn, it is easy to condense into an insoluble precipitate after contact with stomach acid.

Together with food debris to form stomach stones, stones can cause stomach ulcers, stomach bleeding, and even stomach wall necrosis and perforation.

However, eating the hawthorn cooked will reduce the effect of tannins.

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