My ears are getting old

What is often overlooked is the noise in life. People who listen to music at a high volume with earplugs for a long time and often go to KTV and dance halls are high-risk groups. Especially when listening to music, learning English or cooking drama on the way to and from work, due to the noisy environment on the subway and bus, they often unconsciously turn up the volume, and they do not know that they hurt their ears over time.

High frequency sounds are very important for sound recognition, because the initial consonants in the pronunciation are often high frequency sounds.

Senile hearing loss also starts from the inability to hear high-frequency sounds, that is, because of the noise of earplugs, the student's ears are already "old" at a young age.

When using earplugs, do not exceed 50% of the maximum volume. In addition, it is recommended to use sound-proof earphones, rather than in-ear earbuds, to block out as much noise as possible.


Old people can wear hearing AIDS to compensate for hearing

Deafness can lead to cognitive decline in the elderly, Alzheimer's disease, because the response is slow, there are obstacles to communication with people, psychological problems are easy.

Hearing loss in the elderly begins with high-frequency hearing, and then gradually decreases to mid-frequency and low-frequency. If elderly friends find themselves struggling to hear voices, when talking to others, they always ask "What did you say?" Early hearing testing is recommended.

For elderly people with hearing loss, wearing hearing AIDS is currently the only effective way to restore hearing.

Early analog hearing AIDS could only simply amplify the sound, while today's digital hearing AIDS can reduce noise and fine-tune different frequencies of sound.

It is recommended to choose a multi-channel hearing aid, the more channels, the better the fidelity of the sound.

In addition, if the degree of hearing loss is so severe that it cannot be compensated by hearing AIDS, cochlear implants can also be used to obtain hearing.


The onset of sudden deafness is younger

In today's society, the pace of life and work is increasing, it can be said that everyone has pressure, and the incidence of sudden deafness has increased in recent years, and it shows a trend of younger people.

Sudden deafness can occur among people who stay up late to study and watch football during major competitions such as the college entrance examination or the World Cup.

The specific cause of sudden deafness is not clear, but common causes include overwork, emotional stress, viral infection, if you have high blood pressure, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, atherosclerosis, coupled with incentives, it is easy to develop.

Sudden deafness is often unilateral, it may be total deafness, it may be partial frequency hearing loss, or even just a little tinnitus, ear tightness. Within a week is the best time to treat sudden deafness.

If you suddenly feel tinnitus and ear tightness, go to the ear, nose and throat specialist. Most sudden deafness causes permanent hearing loss if left untreated.

If it is accompanied by dizziness deafness, it is necessary to pay attention to whether there is Meniere disease.

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