Allergic rhinitis often causes what kinds of complications

  1. Asthma

This is a common symptom of allergic rhinitis patients during the illness, and the vast majority of asthma patients are caused by allergic rhinitis.

The main symptoms of these patients are cough, wheezing and chest tightness.

  1. Allergic sinusitis

Due to the edema of the sinus mucosa, the nasal obstruction and drainage are obstructed, and the negative pressure in the sinus cavity is gradually generated. At this time, patients with allergic rhinitis often have headache. If accompanied by infection, allergic sinusitis may occur.

3, allergic laryngitis

This is also a common symptom of allergic rhinitis, the main symptoms of the disease is throat itching, cough, or mild hoarseness, severe cases can be found vocal cord mucosa edema leading to breathing difficulties.

  1. Nasal polyps

Repeated nasal hyperemia and edema lead to the formation of nasal polyps, obstruction of the nasal cavity and obstruction of ventilation.

5, allergic otitis media

Allergic rhinitis The main cause of allergic rhinitis is found to be the connection between the swollen or swollen nasal mucosa and the mucous membrane of the eustachian tube.

When the swelling and edema of the pharyngotympanic membrane reaches a certain degree, it can lead to pharyngotympanic tube obstruction, middle ear cavity effusion, and found that the transmission of deafness, which is allergic otitis media.

  1. Trouble smelling

Edema of the nasal mucosa or infection of the nasal cavity may injure the olfactory nerve.

This is also a common complication of allergic rhinitis.

  1. Allergic sinusitis

Anaphylactic sinusitis is caused by swollen or swollen nasal mucous membranes that block the sinus openings in the middle and upper nasal passages.

Almost all patients with allergic rhinitis have different degrees of allergic sinusitis, and the invaded sinuses are usually bilateral and whole sinuses.

  1. Insomnia

Long-term nasal congestion makes it more difficult for people to fall asleep, resulting in poor sleep causing mental distress and poor concentration.

  1. Choke

It is also a complication of allergic rhinitis.

Nasal cavity regularly a large number of liquid blockage, when people fall asleep, the mouth habit closed, will cause the human body suffocation, serious can lead to suffocation.

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