Improve your clothes | Why did Paris become the world's first fashion center?

Paris will become the world's first fashion center due to the following factors:

Louis XIV (1638-1715), the king who brought France into its heyday, also had a huge influence on art, culture and a lavish lifestyle. Louis XIV not only had military, economic and political talents, but also had his own views on the fashionable way of life. There is no doubt that Louis XIV can be regarded as a very special king in this respect.

For since the beginning of time in this world, few men have been able to command an army and know fashion. It was said that he was the kind of person who would spend most of the day having his hair, beard and clothes fixed.

For the guests who requested to meet, men, women, young and old, in sickness and in health, the king required them to dress strictly in accordance with court etiquette.

Not content with his height, he was also the inventor of high heels. In fact, not only in terms of dress, even in terms of court decoration and food, Louis XIV's lifestyle is also called "luxury". Although this kind of luxury also threw away a lot of money, but he really deserves to write a note in the history of French fashion.

In feudal times, Kings and royalty were the "influencers" and "stars" of their generation - creators and influencers of trends. The difference from today's influencers and celebrities is that they are politically powerful people.

Being powerful means they can use their power to politicize clothing. The politicization of clothing is the stratification of clothing through political means.

Certain styles, fabrics, colors, and patterns could only be used by members of the royal family. Ordinary people must not cross the line or risk being beheaded.

This politicization of dress is not unique to France; it has occurred in almost all countries during their dynasties.

The period of Louis XIV was also the period of the formation of the French luxury industry.

It was with the support of Louis XIV that his Minister of Finance, Jean-Baptiste Colbert (1619-1683), made a series of changes in France's cultural and economic industries, and made the French luxury industry take shape.

"Fashion in France is like Peru's gold mine in Spain (Peru was a Spanish colony in the 16th century)" is a famous quote from Cobo, who served as French Minister of finance from 1665 to 1683.

In order to develop the silk industry in Lyon, France, he invited the best textile artisans from Italy to train local artisans; He not only vigorously developed the silk industry, but also developed the wool industry; By law, the French must consume fabrics and clothing made in France; The establishment of an industry association, the original scattered in the manual workshops, small to the accessories industry (lace, webbing, lace, hats, etc.), large to the fabric manufacturers, men's and women's clothing tailors together, standardize the industry behavior, improve the overall product quality and the standardization of business operations.

In short, French luxury goods can become an industry with a complete ecological chain, which has an inseparable relationship with the actions of Cobo in this period.

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