Things you should know about sleep

A recent study found that regular nappers had a 12 percent higher risk of high blood pressure and a 24 percent higher risk of stroke than those who never napped. This makes people surprised, "lunch break" is not a good habit? Office workers, children, the elderly, take a nap at noon, suddenly energetic, if the day did not sleep like a lack of something.

Sleep is too important for everyone, but what is healthy sleep? In fact, it is not only the nap problem, the problem of how to sleep, which troubles many people.

You can't catch up on lack of sleep during the day

"Do you want to take a nap" on the hot search, netizens have according to their own experience to speak freely, some said "do not take a nap afternoon can not play spirit", and some said "take a nap but a sleepy afternoon".

Napping is likely to interfere with sleep at night. "Our sleep is mainly maintained by two aspects, one is the biological rhythm, that is, the body will go to sleep at the time; The second is the driving force of sleep, if you take a nap in the middle of the night, then your sleep driving force is offloaded, and the night's sleep driving force will be reduced accordingly, especially the elderly may be more difficult to fall asleep at night, so we generally do not recommend napping.

Of course, if you have particularly long days in the summer, the sleep drive is very strong, so you can nap properly."

"If you must nap, nap time can not be too long, it is recommended not to exceed 40 minutes."

Long siestas cause the body to fall into deep sleep. If you wake up from deep sleep, you will feel tired and uncomfortable, which makes the nap meaningless.

From the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine, when the heart meridian is main at noon, a proper nap can nourish the heart.

At noon, Yang is the most vigorous, and proper sleep in nature when Yang is the most vigorous can nourish its own Yang, so as to achieve the purpose of strengthening the body.

However, long-term insomnia, poor sleep, aggravated night insomnia after nap should not nap.

The position of the nap is also important, we should try to do the nap lying down.

Sleeping on the stomach is easy to lead to eye pressure, arm numbness, causing cervical spondylosis, compression of the vertebral artery, etc., sitting sleeping is easy to appear cerebral ischemia, hypoxia symptoms.

Someone on the Internet mentioned that if you don't sleep well at night, can you make up for sleep by taking a nap, returning to sleep, etc.?

Sleep quality can not only look at the sleep time, night sleep and daytime sleep on the body metabolism and recovery of the impact is different, night sleep can not rely on daytime sleep to make up.

The supplementary sleep during the day, including the return sleep, will directly interfere with the human biological rhythm, the human body, including the viscera, is active when it should be active, not active when it should not be active, breaking this rhythm is bound to have adverse effects on the human body.

At the same time, pay attention to too much, too much sleep is not conducive to health.

Nowadays, whether it is teenagers with academic pressure, middle-aged people with work pressure, or elderly people with health pressure, "sleep well" has become a common call, then "sleep well" is there a rule to follow?

To get a good night's sleep, establish a good sleep hygiene routine. First, we should sleep regularly, sleep and get up at a fixed time, and develop good sleep habits for the body and brain, so that the body naturally enters the state that needs sleep when it is time.

We can also get more sun when we get up in the morning, giving the body an exciting signal, so that it is easier to get a good sleep at night.

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