The anal finger exam is uncomfortable and awkward, and can be skipped during the physical examination?

Drugs are products that are used to control, prevent and treat diseases, with clear indications, applicable groups, usage and dosage. The difference between the two is self-evident,

health care products as food, like rice noodles and steamed bread, does not have the effect of treating, preventing and regulating diseases, and drugs are the "positive solution" for diseases.

Blindly trusting health care products may lose money, delay the disease, and some unqualified health care products may even cause excessive intake of effective ingredients,

threatening health. For health care products, we are not unable to use, but we should not expect it to cure diseases, nor can we only rely on taking health care products to ignore healthy habits.

Source: Science dispels rumors

The anal finger exam is uncomfortable and awkward, and can be skipped during the physical examination?

The myth: The anal finger exam is uncomfortable and awkward, and other methods can also detect anus-related diseases, so you can skip it.

Truth interpretation: Anal finger test, many friends only vaguely know that it seems to be used to check hemorrhoids and cancer, but the function of anal finger test is far more than that.

A digital anal examination can identify a wide range of diseases of the anus, rectum, and colon, and can visually distinguish certain cancers of the digestive tract from other diseases.

For example, you can check whether there is colon cancer and other colon diseases, hemorrhoids, anal fissures and so on through bleeding. In addition, it is also possible to determine the severity of the anal fissure and whether surgery is required. All in all, a digital anal exam is really useful, and if your doctor recommends a digital anal exam, don't be afraid to do it.

Source: Science dispels rumors

5.Eggs are high cholesterol food, so it is best not to eat eggs if your cholesterol is high.

The contents of the myth: eggs, especially the yolk, are high in cholesterol, people with high blood lipids are best not to eat, and healthy people should also pick out the yolk and not eat to avoid elevated cholesterol.

Truth interpretation: This statement is not precise. Eggs contain high-quality protein, trace elements, lecithin, etc., can promote brain development, improve immunity, is a good food.

As long as the right kind of eggs are selected, supplemented by proper cooking methods and good ingredients, even patients with hyperlipidemia can eat eggs appropriately.

First of all, the cholesterol content in egg yolks is not too high compared to meat, and there are eggs that are fed special diets, which greatly reduce cholesterol levels.

In addition to weekly egg intake do not have to worry about too much, such as eating 4 to 5 eggs is a good choice. When cooking eggs daily, they can be combined with vegetables, beans, fungi, and then with whole grains and staple foods, which is more conducive to nutritional balance and disease prevention.

Source: Science dispels rumors

6.Can a child remember a lesson only when he fights?

Myth: Moderate spanking helps children remember and correct mistakes, which can achieve educational purposes without causing injuries to children.

Truth interpretation: Beating the child will damage the child's memory, reduce intelligence, affect the child's brain development. And beating the child can not fundamentally solve the problem,

the child is easy to choose to obey because of fear, but gradually become inferior and cowardly; Or willful defiance out of anger, but slowly turning to surliness and rebellion.

The children who are caught in the middle of withdrawal and rebellion are more likely to be confused and counterproductive, to hide their behavior in order not to cause a direct conflict,

to be clever and sensible under the eyes of parents, to act wantonly in places where parents do not know, but to plunge themselves into deep contradictions and chaos. These are very detrimental to the child's development.

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