The two sides set off a satellite image intelligence war, and the three missile bases of the Taiwan army were exposed, and Taiwan netizens angrily scolded

The election campaign in the island has entered a heated stage, the Kuomintang has characterized the 2024 election campaign as a choice of "war and peace", the Cross-Strait peace issue has become the focus of attention in the island, and the island has begun to explore the deployment of mainland military forces. Recently, Taiwan's well-known military Internet celebrity Joseph Winjoseph, in the social media fan column, intensively disclosed the satellite image data of the PLA Rocket Force, which caused mainland netizens to "fight against Taiwan", and the civilian people on both sides set off a satellite image intelligence war.

After Winjoseph published satellite images, including the PLA base in Fujian, mainland netizens began to counter, publishing the location and information of Taiwan military bases in the same fan column. According to Taiwan media reports, a netizen named Chen, especially in simplified Chinese, published a series of images and coordinates of the new Hsinchu Kansai base, Wanjin Base in Pingtung, and Hsinchu Residence missile base of the Taiwan Air Defense and missile command post. In addition, he also pointed out that the three bases on the deployment of the "male two E" ground missiles, and even through the street view function of satellite images, he accurately marked the location of the missile launch vehicle garage and ammunition depot in the Taiwan military base camp. The satellite images released by mainland netizens were clear and precise, so that Taiwan Internet users broke the defense and criticized the post.

The reason why Taiwan netizens are nervous about breaking the defense is that the location of the Taiwan military base that has been published is true, and even the walls and gates can be seen clearly, which is very easy to identify. The suspected location of the Continental Rocket Force published by Winjoseph may not be true. In September last year, Winjoseph also published a video on the island's media, showing that "drones took photos of mainland military barracks", and the PLA in the barracks "panicked" after seeing the drones, which triggered a collective climax of the island's media, and some TV stations invited experts to analyze. But the island's media were soon hit in the face, as evidence showed that the video had been fabricated using old aerial video clips, and that the original footage had come from a mainland TV show.

With a history of fabrications that has embarrassed the island's media, it is no wonder that Winjoseph is not trusted. Even if Winjoseph really photographed the PLA Rocket Force base, there is nothing to worry about, if the Taiwan army launched an attack on the PLA base, not only can not cause damage to the mainland, but will accelerate the pace of reunification between the two sides.

In this regard, the Taiwan military's "Zhongshan Scientific Research Institute" has also developed the so-called "anti-Beidou positioning system" and "signal purifier", and has been delivered to the Taiwan army. Taiwan authorities claim that the system can prevent the People's Liberation Army from accurately targeting, causing the missile to "miss." In addition, Taiwan's defense department also disclosed in September this year that Taiwan's military is watching and monitoring the dynamics of the PLA's air defense, long-range fire and missile forces, and monitoring ground forces in Fujian.

However, the Taiwan authorities are still too confident in themselves, and all they have done is a futile effort.

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