"Whether the people can freely express their interests and demands, and whether all sectors of society can effectively participate in the political life of the country."

【 Reform and Deployment 】

Social governance at the grassroots level is inseparable from the development and improvement of democracy at the grassroots level.

【 Story of Good Governance 】

"Do you feel that in some places there are still taxi detour, no meter, refuse to load and other phenomena, disrupting the market..."

"I agree! A few days ago, the taxi I met refused to let me in on the grounds of shift change."

Some time ago, the grass-roots legislative contact point - Jilin Changchun Puyang Street organization "Changchun City Passenger taxi Management Regulations" consultation meeting, participating experts and representatives express their opinions, the discussion scene is very warm, originally planned two hours of the meeting, extended half an hour.

Zhang Yiying, a member of the expert group and director of Jilin Kunshan Law Firm, listened carefully to each speech, sometimes taking notes and sometimes giving advice as a legal professional.

In October 2014, the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee decided to establish a grass-roots legislative contact point system. Subsequently, grassroots legislative contact points were gradually established throughout the country.

Recalling the scene when the grass-roots legislative contact point was just established last year, Li Shaofeng, the person in charge of the grass-roots legislative contact point of Puyang Street, was impressed: "We invited 35 people with certain basic legal knowledge, rule of law work experience and enthusiasm for legislative cause as members of the expert group to participate in the legislative consultation task." They include retirees, party members and people's congresses, as well as representatives from industries and residents."

At first, some residents' representatives were still skeptical after being invited, asking "how ordinary people can participate in the national legislative work, and whether they are going through the motions." But as legislative consultation sessions were held, the confusion gradually dissipated.

Jang Yi-young is one of them. After joining the expert group of grassroots legislative contact points in Puyang Street, he has a new identity - the "witness" and "participant" of legislation. "Participating in the solicitation of opinions on draft laws and regulations is a sacred process. The voice of the grassroots reaches the legislature, so that the legislation can more fully express the will of the people, and the people can better understand and respect the law." 'he said.

At the discussion meeting on the Bill on improving the business environment, people discussed hot topics such as "small restaurants in many places across the country have been fined for selling cold dishes". Some people say that "law enforcement should be more warm according to the actual situation", some people think that "regulatory means should be changed to help the small shop economy"... According to the discussion opinions, Zhang Yiying solemnly wrote down four suggestions such as "need to consider more humane law enforcement" and presented them to grassroots legislative contact points.

"I really didn't expect that our discussion could contribute to national legislation. I want to take every legislative consultation task more seriously and actively." Puyang street grassroots legislative contact point expert group members, party representative Liu Dekun said.

"For every discussion on the draft laws and regulations, everyone has fully prepared and seriously spoken, and we will submit original and down-to-earth suggestions to the upward." Li Shaofa said that since the establishment of the legislative contact point nearly a year ago, a total of more than 60 proposals have been collected, and 7 legislative proposals have been proposed, of which the proposed projects on the safety of electric vehicle charging and the management of food and beverage takeout have been adopted and included in the 2024 legislative plan of the Standing Committee of the Changchun Municipal People's Congress.

【 Reporter observation 】

Reform and the rule of law, like the wings of a bird or the wheels of a car, always go hand in hand. The contact points of grassroots legislation are connected to the legislature at one end and the grassroots at the other, and the demands of the people are "original" feedbacks to the national legislature for reference for research and absorption, and useful suggestions are reflected in the law. On the new journey of the new era, we must continue to give full play to the role of community-level legislation in connecting points, reflect the people's thoughts and aspirations in the design of legal systems, and fully stimulate the surging vitality of the people's extensive participation in governance, and actively practice the whole process of people's democracy to effectively improve the effectiveness of national governance.

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