What are the implications of the trip to Shanghai and Jiangsu?

During the General secretary's 6-day trip to Shanghai and the Soviet Union, the inspection sites included financial institutions, science and technology innovation parks, affordable rental housing projects, revolutionary memorial hall, etc., during which he also presided over a symposium to further promote the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta and listened to the work reports of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and the municipal government.

What did the General Secretary emphasize on this trip, and what are the implications of the trip? The Political News Eye is here.


Building "Five Centers" : Shanghai's important mission

In the afternoon, he visited the Shanghai Futures Exchange and the Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Exhibition. Corresponding to this, is Shanghai international financial center, science and technology innovation center construction.

The 14th National Congress of the Communist Party of China stressed that the development and opening up of Pudong in Shanghai should be taken as the leader, further opening up cities along the Yangtze River, and building Shanghai into one of the international economic, financial and trade centers as soon as possible. Since then, Shanghai has increased its functional positioning as an international shipping center.

When visiting Shanghai in May 2014, the General Secretary asked Shanghai to "speed up the march to the science and technology innovation center with global influence", and Shanghai's development positioning expanded from "four centers" to "five centers", that is, to build an international economic center, financial center, trade center, shipping center, science and technology innovation center.

△ Shanghai. (Photo by Fan Kai, CCTV reporter) △ Shanghai. (Photo by Fan Kai, CCTV reporter)

At the end of October this year, the Central Financial Work Conference was held, which for the first time put forward the goal of accelerating the construction of a financial power, and clearly called for enhancing the competitiveness and influence of Shanghai as an international financial center.

He pointed out that the Shanghai Futures Exchange should speed up the construction of a world-class exchange and make greater contributions to exploring the futures regulatory system and business model with Chinese characteristics and building an international financial center.

On December 1, at the Shanghai Municipal Government Work Report meeting, the General Secretary once again talked about the construction of Shanghai International Financial Center. He pointed out that it is necessary to strengthen the construction of modern financial institutions and financial infrastructure, implement a high-level financial opening to the outside world, and better serve the real economy, scientific and technological innovation and jointly build the "Belt and Road", which released a clear signal.

△ Shanghai Futures Exchange. (Photo by Kwak Enyou, Desk reporter) △ Shanghai Futures Exchange. (Photo by Guo Enyou, Desk reporter)
Shanghai Zhangjiang Science City is the core area of the construction of Shanghai International Science and Technology Innovation Center, and it is also the place where the General Secretary has visited many times.

This time in Shanghai, the general Secretary went to Zhangjiang Science City again and visited the Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Achievement Exhibition here. The exhibition focuses on the overall situation of scientific and technological innovation in Shanghai, and also focuses on scientific and technological innovation achievements in basic research, artificial intelligence, biomedicine and other fields. During the inspection, the General Secretary put forward the requirement of "accelerating the march toward a scientific and technological innovation center with global influence".

At the subsequent work report meeting of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and Government, the General Secretary once again stressed that we should take scientific and technological innovation as the guide, strengthen the research of key core technologies, promote the construction of high-level talents, and create a good innovation ecology.

△ Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Achievements Exhibition. (CCTV reporter Guo Hong photo) △ Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Achievements Exhibition. (Photo by Guo Hong, CCTV reporter)
In addition to the construction of an international financial center and a scientific and technological innovation center, the General Secretary's visit to Shanghai also put forward clear requirements for the construction of an international economic center, a trade center and a shipping center.

During the visit, the General Secretary emphasized the construction of Shanghai's "five centers" in the in-depth promotion of the Yangtze River Delta integrated Development Symposium and the Shanghai Municipal Government Work Report meeting.

The general Secretary pointed out that accelerating the construction of the "five centers" is an important mission entrusted to Shanghai by the Party Central Committee. He asked that Shanghai should focus on the important mission of the "five centers" and "take this as the main direction of attack."

△ Shanghai container container Waigaoqiao terminal, a giant tower crane is lifting container containers. (Photo by Taiwan National Radio reporter Li Jin) △ The giant tower crane is lifting container containers at the Waigaoqiao Terminal in Shanghai. (Photo by National Radio Reporter Li Jin)

Play "two roles" : leading and demonstration leading

Shanghai, China's largest economic center city, is leading the wind of China's reform and opening up. Pudong in Shanghai is an important window attracting the world's attention. The Party Central Committee has placed a series of national strategic tasks in Shanghai, such as the first pilot free trade zone and the first comprehensive national science center.

He repeatedly stressed that Shanghai should continue to be the vanguard of the country's reform and opening up and a pioneer in innovation and development.

When I visited Shanghai five years ago, the General Secretary's request to Shanghai was: have the courage to pick the heaviest burden, chew the hardest bone, and play the role of pioneer, demonstration and breakthrough.

During this inspection, the General Secretary asked Shanghai to give full play to its leading and exemplary role in promoting Chinese-style modernization.

China's first large cruise ship, Aida Modu. (CCTV reporter Liu Qi photo) △ China's first large-scale cruise ship - Aida Modu. (Photo by Liu Qi, CCTV reporter)
Let's start with technological innovation.

When visiting the Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Achievement Exhibition, the general Secretary said that the promotion of Chinese-style modernization cannot be separated from the strategic support of science and technology, education and talents, and Shanghai should be a good leader in this regard.

Look at reform and opening up.

The General Secretary pointed out at the report on the work of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal government that Shanghai should vigorously promote the original reform and lead the opening up in an all-round way.

On May 5, 2017, the domestic large aircraft C919 successfully made its maiden flight. (Photo by Taiwan National Radio Reporter Li Jin) -- On May 5, 2017, the domestic large aircraft C919 successfully made its maiden flight. (Photo by National Radio Reporter Li Jin)
Shanghai's leading and exemplary role has been fully demonstrated in the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta.

During his visit to Shanghai in May 2014, the General Secretary stressed that giving play to Shanghai's leading role in cooperation and exchanges in the Yangtze River Delta is not only the need of Shanghai's own development, but also an important mission entrusted to Shanghai by the central government.

When visiting Shanghai in November 2018, the General Secretary pointed out that Shanghai should further play a leading role in promoting the higher quality integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, do a good job in the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, and make it a strong and active growth pole for China's development.

During the visit, the General Secretary specifically presided over a symposium in Shanghai to further promote the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, and among the important requirements of the "four overall plans", they included "coordinating the leading and promoting the strengths of each."

On December 1, the General Secretary stressed at the Shanghai Municipal Government Work Report meeting that Shanghai should strengthen its linkage with the Yangtze River Delta region and better play a radiating role in driving.

△ Shanghai. (Photo by Li Jin, National Radio Reporter, Taiwan) △ Shanghai. (Photo by National Radio Reporter Li Jin)

Grasp the "two dimensions" : height and temperature

The general secretary walked into the housing and shared space of the tenants of residential and dormitory rental housing in the community, and carefully understood the living conditions of the urban front-line workers living here.

During the inspection, the general Secretary said that migrant workers who come to Shanghai to contribute are also the masters of the city, and it is necessary to "ensure that the migrant population can enter, stay, live safely, and succeed." The true meaning of urban governance is expressed in the general Secretary's words: "A city must not only have a height, but also a temperature."

Minhang District New era city builder manager home. (Photo by CCTV reporter Xu Yongsong) △ Minhang District New era city builder manager home. (Photo by Xu Yongsong, CCTV reporter)
Shanghai is a mega-city with an urban center of more than 600 square kilometers and a permanent population of more than 20 million. In recent years, Shanghai has faced problems such as traffic congestion, an aging population, and the increasing cost of renovating the old city. Solving these problems is a "compulsory course" for China to explore and improve the level of urban management under the new situation.

The General Secretary has repeatedly stressed in Shanghai that it is necessary to adhere to the "people's city built by the people and the people's city for the people."

During the National Two Sessions in 2017, the General Secretary proposed when participating in the deliberations of the Shanghai delegation that urban management should be as fine as embroidery. In November 2019, the General Secretary pointed out during his visit to Shanghai that urban governance is an important part of promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity. It is necessary to deeply study and implement the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee and improve the modernization level of urban governance.

During this visit to Shanghai, the General Secretary pointed out that it is necessary to fully practice the concept of the people's city and strive to find a new road of modernization of mega-city governance with Chinese characteristics.

△ Downtown Shanghai. (Photo by National Radio Reporter Li Jin) △ Downtown Shanghai. (Photo by National Radio Reporter Li Jin)
Four years ago, when the General Secretary visited Hongqiao Street in Shanghai, he put forward the major judgment of "the whole process of people's democracy".

This time in Shanghai, the General Secretary pointed out that we must take the improvement of people's well-being as the starting point and goal of urban construction and governance, integrate the whole process of people's democracy into the modernization of urban governance, and build an urban governance community in which everyone participates, everyone is responsible, everyone contributes, and everyone shares.

During the visit to Shanghai, the General Secretary also made important arrangements for strengthening cultural construction and upholding the leadership of the Party, and put forward clear requirements for key work such as further strengthening mainstream values, mainstream public opinion and mainstream culture, comprehensively improving the quality of civil civilization and the degree of urban civilization, building a team of high-quality professional cadres, and innovating the ideas and models of grassroots party building work.

Shanghai residents are exercising in the morning. (Photo by CCTV reporter Liu Qi) △ Shanghai citizens are exercising in the morning. (Photo by Liu Qi, CCTV reporter)

Visit a museum: "The people's back determines the choice of history"

Yancheng, a city of prosperity and convergence of hundreds of rivers due to salt. In Tinghu District, Yancheng City, is located the only memorial hall that reflects the whole history of the New Fourth Army - the Memorial Hall of the New Fourth Army.

The New Fourth Army, formed from the Red Army guerrillas of eight southern provinces, penetrated behind enemy lines in central China and persisted in the anti-Japanese struggle. After the southern Anhui Incident, the New Fourth Army rebuilt its headquarters in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province.

▽ New Fourth Army Memorial Hall. (Photo by reporter Xu Jingwei) △ New Fourth Army Memorial Hall. (Photo by Reporter Xu Jingwei)
The New Fourth Army Memorial Hall was completed and opened in October 1986. The main building of the main hall area has a "four" shape design, and the "N4A" armband is inlaid above the main entrance of the main building. "N4A" is the English abbreviation of the New Fourth Army. On the east and west sides of the main building, there are two flag-shaped granite Yin carving paintings, reproducing the historical scene of "the two armies meeting" and "rebuilding the military headquarters".

The New Fourth Army Memorial Hall holds more than 10,000 pieces of cultural relics and historical materials of the New Fourth Army's Anti-Japanese War, with a total of seven exhibition halls. From the "national crisis, the birth of the Iron army", "anti-Japanese battle flag, spread across Central China", "rebuild the military headquarters, the rebirth of the fire", "soldiers and people fought hard, adhered to the enemy's rear", "overcome difficulties, build base areas", "local counteroffensive, expand the liberated areas", "toward victory, casting brilliance" and other aspects, concentrate on showing the glorious history of the New Fourth Army rebirth in the fire and bloody struggle.

▽ New Fourth Army Memorial Hall. (CCTV reporter Wang Pengfei shot) △ New Fourth Army Memorial Hall. (Photo by Wang Pengfei, CCTV reporter)
In the New Fourth Army Memorial Hall, the General Secretary said that the history of the New Fourth Army fully shows that the people's support determines the choice of history, and the river is the people and the people are the river. It is a vivid teaching material for carrying out education on revolutionary traditions and patriotism. We should make good use of it to educate and guide party members and officials to carry forward the spirit of not being afraid of difficulties and dangers, having the courage to struggle and win, and relying closely on the people to continuously advance the great cause of building a strong country and national rejuvenation.

The general secretary entered the memorial hall of the New Fourth Army, which has a special meaning.

A sculpture at the New Fourth Army Memorial Hall. (CCTV reporter Guo Hong photo) △ Sculpture in the New Fourth Army Memorial Hall. (Photo by Guo Hong, CCTV reporter)
To carry out thematic education is a major task for Party building this year. The general secretary has talked about theme education in every domestic inspection since this year. Revolutionary tradition and revolutionary spirit are vivid teaching materials for thematic education.

In May, the General Secretary pointed out in Shaanxi that Shaanxi should make good use of its own historical and cultural resources and red cultural resources, vigorously carry forward the great spirit of Party building and the Yan 'an Spirit, and promote the theme education to go deeper and deeper.

In October, during his inspection in Jiangxi, the General Secretary stressed that party members and cadres should be strengthened with the spirit of Jinggangshan, the spirit of the Soviet Area, and the spirit of the Long March, and that party members and cadres should be educated and guided to firm their ideals and convictions, remember their original mission, actively forge ahead, and have the courage to take responsibility.

△ Exhibition at the Memorial Hall of the New Fourth Army. (CCTV reporter Duan Dewen shot) △ New Fourth Army Memorial Hall exhibition. (Photo by Duan Dewen, CCTV reporter)

The general secretary said that Shanghai is the birthplace of our Party, and it is necessary to make good use of red resources such as the site of the major conference, carry forward the great spirit of Party building, educate and guide the majority of Party members and cadres to bear in mind the "three musts", and blaze new trails, forge ahead, and do solid work.

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