Respond to essential requirements in rooted practice

Marxism creatively revealed the laws governing the development of human society and profoundly changed the future and destiny of the Chinese people and nation. The Communist Party of China has combined the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific realities and made continuous leaps in the process of adapting Marxism to China. In the process of combining Marxism with China's concrete reality, science reveals the strong vitality of why Marxism "does".

2.Highlight the fundamental attributes of the people's supremacy

"The reason why Marxism has trans-national and trans-era influence is that it is rooted in the people and points out the right path for the world to rely on the people to push forward history."

For the first time, Marxism established an ideological system in which the people realize their own liberation, and the character of the people is the most distinctive character of Marxism. Marxism believes that the people are not only the creators of social material and spiritual wealth,

but also the decisive force for social change and play a decisive role in the development of human society. The movement of social basic contradictions is the driving force of the development of human society,

and the social practice of the masses ultimately determines the outcome of historical development. Marxism takes the realization of the free and comprehensive development of human beings and the liberation of all mankind as its own responsibility,

and points out the direction for the ultimate establishment of an ideal society without oppression, without exploitation, equality and freedom for all with scientific theories.

According to Marxism, the free and comprehensive development of man means that "every member of society can develop and exert all his talents and powers completely and freely, without thereby endangering the basic conditions of this society." The ultimate direction of people's nature has become the endogenous driving force of why Marxism "does".

The Sinicization of Marxism has always been developing around the theme of people-centered. The Communist Party of China is the staunchest and most thorough force in practicing Marxism's people's character.

Since its birth, the Communist Party of China has written Marxism on its banner and firmly grasped the theoretical characteristics of Marxism's people's character. In different historical periods of revolution,

construction and reform, the Communist Party of China has always shared a common destiny with the people, taking serving the people wholeheartedly as its fundamental purpose, and taking realizing,

safeguarding and developing the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people as the fundamental starting point and goal of all its work. It has effectively enhanced the people's sense of gain,

happiness and security. The development of the Communist Party of China in the past hundred years has fully demonstrated the pursuit of people-centered values and the responsibility of governing for the people,

and the people's character of Marxism has advanced with The Times in the great process of adapting Marxism to Chinese conditions. At present, socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era,

and all the Chinese people have gathered a great force to realize the "two centenary goals" and realize the Chinese dream of great national renewal. They will continue to interpret the vivid chapter of why Marxism "acts" in realizing their aspiration for a better life.

3.Respond to essential requirements in rooted practice

"Practicality is the distinguishing feature of Marxist theory from other theories." The essence of Marxism is a practical theory that serves the proletariat and the masses of the people to transform the world.

Marx said, "Philosophers have only interpreted the world in different ways; the problem is to change the world." Marxism has changed the limitation of the old materialism that the object, reality and sensibility are only understood in the form of object or intuition,

and has overcome the drawback of idealism that "does not know the real and perceptual activity itself", becoming "practical materialism". The view of practice is embodied in the entire system of Marxism, which scientifically answers the basis for the distinction and unity between matter and spirit,

nature and society, nature in itself and nature humanized, objectively illuminates major theoretical issues such as the source of knowledge, the driving force for development, and the criteria for testing the truth of knowledge, and profoundly reveals that all social life is practical in nature.

Social practice is the driving force of historical development. In addition, the essence of practicality determines that Marxist theory must be unified with practice. Theory is produced from practice, and whether the theory is correct should be tested by practice and enriched and developed in practice.

At the same time, only when theory is closely connected with practice, can it play a guiding role in practice and realize its own value and significance. The reason why Marxism "does" lies in its continuous promotion of theoretical innovation and practical innovation on the basis of the unity of theory and practice, and constantly opening up a new realm of Marxism.

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