Fully recognize the important role of scientific and technological innovation in fighting the epidemic and safeguarding national public security

Enhancing information dissemination. The people's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central government should publish the list of low-risk, medium-risk and high-risk counties (cities, districts and flags) in their provinces as soon as possible,

implement the requirements for district-level control, and submit the list of dynamically adjusted risk areas to the NHC as part of the daily report on epidemic prevention and control measures.

3.Strengthen publicity and guidance. We will effectively strengthen the publicity of the Law on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases and other laws and regulations, and guide the whole society to coordinate and promote various prevention and control measures on the track of rule of law.

We will respond to media concerns in a timely manner and guide the public to feel the positive trend of the epidemic. We will do a good job in comprehensively interpreting policies to further gather people's confidence and stabilize their hearts.

4.Strengthen monitoring and evaluation. We will assess the effectiveness of prevention and control, adjust prevention and control strategies in a timely manner, and comprehensively improve the standardization of regulations, the rationality of risk identification, and the precision of measures implementation.
Science and technology will play a key role in defeating the epidemic

On March 2, at the critical stage of the most intense epidemic prevention and control, the General Secretary inspected the scientific research and control of the novel coronavirus pneumonia in Beijing, visited the front-line research and guidance, and delivered an important speech, providing fundamental guidelines and action guidelines for scientific research and control.

Fully recognize the important role of scientific and technological innovation in fighting the epidemic and safeguarding national public security

Scientific and technological innovation is the only choice to defeat major epidemics. A history of human civilization is also a history of the fight against disease.

At first, mankind could only rely on gods and primitive religions to face the plague, and paid a terrible price. Since the 20th century, with the rapid development of modern molecular biology,

human beings have a more in-depth and systematic understanding of the structure and properties of various viruses that cause infectious diseases. The continuous emergence of modern scientific knowledge and new technologies such as antibiotics,

vaccines, electron microscopy and gene sequencing technology has provided an important scientific research and treatment basis for the identification of viruses, the development of drugs and the preparation of vaccines.

In recent years, science and technology have played an indispensable role in the fight against major infectious diseases such as SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome), MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome),

influenza A (H1N1) and Ebola virus. History and practice have fully proved that only by relying on science and technology can mankind fundamentally find effective ways and solutions to defeat epidemics.

China's accumulated scientific research capacity has laid a solid foundation for the fight against COVID-19. Over the past decade and more, China has carried out a series of scientific and technological innovation tasks such as major scientific and technological projects for the prevention and control of infectious diseases and key projects for biosafety,

built a network of early warning and monitoring laboratories and a number of technical platforms for sudden acute infectious diseases, and established a detection and identification technology system for rapid pathogen identification.

A number of new technologies and strategies for treating critically ill patients with emergent infectious diseases have been created with international standards. During the SARS outbreak in 2003,

it took more than five months for scientists to finally identify the SARS coronavirus. After the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, it took Chinese researchers less than a week to determine the whole genome sequence of the novel coronavirus,

isolate the virus strain and share it with the world. China's scientific research capacity, platform conditions, talent pool and technological products accumulated over the years in the field of public health and medical health have given us the confidence and ability to ultimately defeat the COVID-19 epidemic and effectively safeguard national strategic security.

After the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, it took Chinese researchers less than a week to determine the whole genome sequence of the novel coronavirus, isolate the virus strain and share it with the world.

China's scientific research capacity, platform conditions, talent pool and technological products accumulated over the years in the field of public health and medical health have given us the confidence and ability to ultimately defeat the COVID-19 epidemic and effectively safeguard national strategic security. The picture shows researchers extracting viral nucleic acids in the laboratory. Courtesy of the Academy of Military Medicine

Establishing and improving the public health research and research system is an inevitable requirement for the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity.

"The wise man prevents disaster in the future, and the wise man plans to suffer in the future." Through this epidemic prevention and control practice, we have a deeper understanding of the important position of the public health science and technology innovation system in the national innovation system and governance system, and the key role of medical and health science and technology innovation capability in maintaining public safety and improving the overall emergency response capacity.

When universities, research institutes, enterprises and other innovative entities face major outbreaks, how to respond quickly, how to apply existing scientific research results, and how to quickly find solutions requires coordination and coordination of all parties,

and also needs to give full play to their respective strengths. The combination of scientific research and prevention and control in the front line, the combination of production, university, research and application,

and the combination of innovation chain, industrial chain and supply chain is the key to building a public health scientific research system and forming a wartime response capacity, and is also the key to preventing and resolving major public security risks through scientific and technological innovation.

Efforts should be made to apply the results of scientific research to the frontline of epidemic prevention and control

Go where there is epidemic, fight it till it perishes. In the face of the major examination on epidemic prevention and control, at the critical juncture of life and death with urgent tasks and time,

the scientific and technological community and the majority of scientific research workers across the country acted quickly in accordance with the requirements of the "wartime state",

worked closely together and focused on overcoming difficulties, raced against time to protect the life safety and health of the people, and fought bravely in the front line of epidemic prevention and control scientific research.

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