Transmission routes and prevention and control strategies

Qinyang ZhangQianjin: Key points of prevention and control of novel coronavirus pneumonia

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the world has been plunged into an unprecedented public health crisis. This highly contagious virus not only poses a serious threat to human health, but also has a profound impact on socio-economic,

cultural exchanges and international cooperation. In the face of this global challenge, it is particularly important to understand and master the key points of COVID-19 prevention and control.

This article will elaborate on the characteristics of the virus, transmission routes, preventive measures, treatment plans and other aspects, so as to improve the public's awareness and prevention ability of COVID-19.

I. Characteristics of the novel coronavirus

The novel coronavirus, belonging to the coronaviruses family, is a single plus-stranded RNA virus. Its surface has many protrusions, shaped like a crown, hence the name coronavirus. The novel coronavirus belongs to the same family of coronaviruses as SARS virus and MERS virus,

but it has higher infectivity and concealment. The virus is mainly transmitted by droplets, contact and aerosols, and the population is generally susceptible. After infection, patients may have fever, cough, fatigue, dyspnea and other symptoms, which can lead to complications such as acute respiratory distress syndrome, septic shock and so on.

2.Transmission routes and prevention and control strategies

1.Droplet transmission: Droplets carrying the virus are produced when an infected person coughs, sneezes or speaks. Others can become infected if they inhale these droplets. Therefore, masks should be worn in public places, social distancing should be maintained, and gatherings should be avoided.

2.Contact transmission: If the infected person does not wash their hands in time after touching the mouth, nose, eyes and other parts, they will leave the virus on their hands. Others who come into contact with these contaminated objects or surfaces and then touch their own mouth,

nose or eyes may become infected. Therefore, you should wash your hands frequently, maintain personal hygiene, and regularly disinfect items and surfaces with high frequency contact.

3.Aerosol transmission: In a closed, poorly ventilated environment, the virus may be suspended in the air for a long time, forming aerosols. Others may become infected if they inhale these aerosols. Therefore, indoor ventilation should be maintained to avoid staying in a closed environment for a long time.

In response to the above transmission routes, we should adopt the following prevention and control strategies:

1.Social distancing: Maintain a safe distance of at least 1 meter to reduce the chance of close contact with others.
2.Wear a mask: In confined Spaces such as public places and transportation, a mask should be worn to reduce the risk of droplet transmission.
3.Wash your hands frequently: Wash your hands with soap and running water for at least 20 seconds, or use a hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol to disinfect your hands.
4.Avoid gathering: minimize participation in large gathering activities, such as weddings, funerals, etc.
5.Regular disinfection: Regular disinfection of high-frequency contact items and surfaces, such as doorknobs, mobile phones, keyboards, etc.
6.Improve ventilation: Keeping your room well ventilated will help reduce the risk of aerosol transmission.

Iii. Preventive measures and living habits

In addition to the above prevention and control strategies, we should also strengthen prevention in the following aspects:

1.Strengthen immunity: Maintaining adequate sleep, a balanced diet and proper exercise can help improve the body's immunity and resist the virus.

2.Avoid contact with anyone who is sick or suspected of being sick: Minimize close contact with others, especially those who are already showing symptoms.

3.Maintain good respiratory hygiene: When coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with tissues, towels, etc., and then wash your hands promptly. Avoid touching your mouth, nose and eyes with your hands.

4.Vaccination: According to the recommendations of local health authorities, timely vaccination against the novel coronavirus to reduce the risk of infection.

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