Beware of hearing being stolen by headphones

Nowadays, listening to music and watching videos with headphones is a habit of many young people. On the road and in the subway, it is common to see young people wearing headphones. However, the use of headphones for a long time and in noisy environments can cause considerable damage to hearing.

According to the survey, 50.2% of respondents use headphones at too high a volume, 49.1% of respondents have the habit of using headphones for a long time, 33.5% of respondents will wear headphones to sleep, 28.8% of respondents will still use headphones in noisy environments.

According to the survey, 41.2 percent of the respondents said they had the habit of listening to music and watching videos with headphones in junior high school or before, 29.3 percent in high school, and 28.5 percent in college or after graduation.

According to the survey, 56.8% of respondents use headphones for less than 1 hour a day, 33.3% for 1 to 2 hours, 8.0% for 2 to 3 hours, and 1.9% for more than 3 hours.

There are many main causes of hearing loss, and the heavy use of headphones may lead to noise hearing loss in patients, also known as noise deafness.

This is a slow, progressive hearing loss that occurs as a result of prolonged sound stimulation, mainly in the inner ear.

We know that everyday sounds can be high, middle, and low, and noise-induced hearing loss often results in a reduced ability to recognize high sounds. This may be related to acoustic stimulation causing damage to the base of the cochlea.

At the bottom of the cochlea, the cells that recognize high-frequency sounds are concentrated, and the bottom of the cochlea is the first to receive the stimulation of sound energy. Therefore, a large number of acoustic stimulation will damage the auditory cells of the cochlea floor, and lead to the slow decline of patients' high-frequency hearing.

Simply put, if a normal person suffers from hearing loss due to long-term high-intensity sound stimulation, it will often first appear as a sharp high-pitched sound that can not be heard, and some are accompanied by high-pitched tinnitus.

74.9% of respondents suggested avoiding using headphones for long periods of time

Many young people feel that the use of headphones for a long time does not have any serious consequences in a short time, because noise hearing damage is a slow process, although slow, but this damage does exist.

When guinea pigs were exposed to a continuous noise field for a long time, damage to the inner ear hair cells was observed.

Studies have shown that people who receive sound stimulation for a long time have an increased probability of presbycusis in old age. This proves that excessive sound can cause damage to auditory cells in the inner ear and accelerate the aging of auditory cells.

Hearing loss caused by headphones is a new problem that people encounter while enjoying the convenience brought by science and technology to their lives. Headphones provide us with a kind of acoustic stimulation anytime, anywhere.

Especially when there is background noise in public places, wearing headphones in order to ensure that you can hear the content of the headset, will unconsciously turn up the volume, although you feel that the sound in the headset has just been heard clearly, but this is because of the background noise, and the energy stimulus transmitted by the headset itself is very large.

Also, some people will wear headphones to sleep at night listening to the radio, which is also not good. This causes the inner ear to receive too much sound stimulation, but you can't detect it because you're already asleep.

In life, this kind of "warm water boiling frog" thing is often ignored, which makes the earphones this daily use quietly steal young people's hearing.

To protect hearing, 74.9% of respondents suggested avoiding using headphones for a long time, 59.7% of respondents suggested lowering the volume when using headphones, 58.6% of respondents suggested avoiding using headphones in noisy environments, and 35.6% of respondents suggested going to discos, KTV and other noisy places.

In the process of using headphones follow the internationally recognized "double 60" principle, that is, the volume of the use of headphones should not exceed 60% of the maximum volume, the continuous use of time should not exceed 60 minutes, the daily use of headphones for adults should not exceed 3 to 4 hours, minors should be less than 2 hours, and it is best to take a rest every time they wear a period of time.

In addition, try to choose high-quality headphones, try to use headphones, improve safety, listen more comfortable, less stimulation to the inner ear.

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