Something that damages children's hearing

Experts remind newborn hearing screening is only the first step, parents should take their children to do hearing care every year, timely detection of hearing problems

Heredity is the main cause of hearing impairment in children

Deafness is divided into conductive deafness and sensorineural deafness. Problems in the outer ear and middle ear, leading to conductive deafness, may be caused by congenital development, can be treated by drugs, surgery. The vast majority of sensorineural deafness must be improved with hearing AIDS and cochlear implants.

A very small number of children have hearing loss due to abnormal auditory nerve development, which needs to be treated by brain stem implantation or midbrain implantation.

Heredity is the most important cause of neonatal hearing impairment. More than 100 genes have been identified that are associated with inherited deafness, and for deafness, genetic testing has been recommended as either Class I or Class II. Some deafness-related genes that are highly carried in the population and have a high risk of causing disease should be screened.Pass the screening and rest assured?Hearing loss can also be caused by acquired factors

In addition to heredity, acquired factors such as viral and bacterial infections, deafness drugs, noise, and otitis media can also cause hearing loss.

Newborn through hearing screening can only mean that the hearing screening at birth, does not mean that the hearing will be normal, parents should take their children to do hearing health care every year.

In addition, pregnant women during pregnancy if infected with rubella virus, cytomegalovirus, etc., may lead to fetal hearing damage; Some children can also have hearing problems after being infected with the mumps virus.

Some musical training, such as playing the saxophone, can also affect children's hearing because the sound is too loud. Some children are genetically more sensitive to noise, and it is easy to cause bilateral high-frequency hearing damage under noise pollution.

In young children, wearing headphones to listen to music in a noisy environment is particularly damaging to hearing. The time of listening to music should be controlled within 60 minutes, and the volume should be adjusted to 60% of the maximum volume, that is, about 60 decibels.Hearing problem children grow up to treat?

Experts: 0-3 years old is the key period for early intervention

Hearing loss particularly affects children at a stage of language development when they cannot learn a language if their hearing is very poor. 0-3 years old is the key period of children's language learning, if this stage does not intervene, it will affect the child's future communication, cognition, mental health and so on.

The determining factor of the intervention effect is not the degree, nature and cause of deafness, but the sooner or later time of intervention. For children with hereditary deafness, timely intervention within 6 months of age will have a good outcome for more than 95%. The younger the age, the more effective the intervention will be. At present, parents have many misunderstandings about hearing loss treatment, such as thinking that wearing hearing AIDS or cochlear implants is too ugly and inconvenient; Some think that buy a cheap hearing aid on the line, and then change good, these ideas should be corrected.

Cochlear implants to solve all problems?

Experts: Language environment and rehabilitation are also important

Some people believe that children with bilateral hearing impairment can wear only one hearing aid or implant one cochlear implant; There are also concerns that reliance on hearing AIDS and cochlear implants may lead to rejection of these interventions.

Even if some children complete the correct wearing or implantation under the guidance of the doctor, the child's language ability is still greatly affected because the parents ignore the later rehabilitation.

After you wear a hearing aid or have a cochlear implant, you still need to establish a language environment. Some children need special rehabilitation interventions in rehabilitation institutions on the basis of family rehabilitation, and parents also need to learn family rehabilitation methods and use various environments and scenes in life to rehabilitate their children in real time.

For children with language development problems, special corrections are needed. Children with poor high-frequency hearing cannot hear high-frequency sounds such as f/s/sh/ch/zh clearly, and need corresponding correction, evaluation, and readjustment of rehabilitation programs, which will continue after the end of school or even a long time after.

■ Small test

What are the signs of hearing loss?

1-3 months: No response to a sudden loud noise

3-6 months: The head does not seek/turn to the sound source

6-9 months: The head never turns to the person or object mentioned in the speech

9-12 months: will not follow adult instructions to do actions, such as: bring the ball

12-15 months: Can not say single words, such as: dad, mom, light, car

15-18 months: No response to adult calls in the next room

18-24 months: Can not use two word short sentences, such as: eat, drink water

24-36 months: Unable to use four to five word sentences or speak with a big tongue

Experts said that for older children, if the teacher often reflects that the child is not focused in the classroom, it may also be related to hearing loss, and should go to the hospital in time to check the hearing.

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