Bad habits are stealing young people's hearing

The correct way to blow your nose is to alternately cover one nostril, blow your nose in one nostril, or breathe your nose into your mouth and then spit it out. Adults should not put small objects such as button bugs in their ears.

Earphones become the enemy of teenagers' listening

"60-60" is the earphone hearing protection principle

When many teenagers come to the clinic to see a doctor, the main complaint is hearing loss, can not hear the teacher, classmates speak, or feel that there is tinnitus.

Generally speaking, this age should not occur, but asking the medical history often can find that teenagers, especially adolescent children, he may not be willing to communicate with adults, do not want to listen to parents nagging, like to shut themselves up, and then wear headphones to listen to music, eliminate outside interference, this situation is very harmful to the ear, lasting for a period of time will cause hearing damage.

The noise caused by headphones can seriously damage the hearing of teenagers, and the progress of this hearing loss is often very slow, and it is difficult to recover when young people realize that there is a problem with hearing.

Exposure to recreational noise poses a serious threat to young people's hearing. This exposure includes prolonged use of personal audio devices such as headphones and prolonged exposure to entertainment venues such as discos, nightclubs and bars.

Teenagers to avoid recreational noise damage to hearing, can start from the following aspects. First, try not to stay in too noisy field for a long time, less to KTV and other large volume of entertainment places; Second, try not to choose in-ear headphones, ear muff headphones on the hearing damage is relatively small.

Third, "60-60" is an internationally recognized principle of earphone hearing protection, the earphone volume cannot exceed 60% of the highest volume, and the continuous use time should not exceed 60 minutes each time. Children are advised not to use headphones.

People who are used to wearing headphones to listen to music every day are best to check their hearing once a year, and adults generally do routine ear examinations and pure tone audiometry or speech audiometry. In addition, young people should avoid using headphones in subways and buses.

It is also best not to use headphones to listen to music, because aerobic exercise causes blood flow to the extremities, and the inner ear is more vulnerable at this time.

Sudden deafness is spreading among young people

Chronic fatigue and stress are the triggers

In the past, sudden deafness was most common in people over 40 years old, but now it has spread to young people and even students. Work tension, mental pressure, long-term fatigue can not rest has become a major reason for young people's hearing "loss".

Patients with sudden deafness often wake up or during eating, the ear suddenly can not hear the sound, the sound of the left and right ears will be different, and the source of the sound can not be distinguished; There are also many patients with symptoms such as earplugs and tinnitus.

Young patients have strong resilience, and if the degree of damage is not too serious, under normal circumstances, they can recover completely with medicine. However, because some patients only have tinnitus, no pain and bleeding in the ear, they ignore it, and even two years later, the situation is serious enough to affect daily life before seeking medical treatment, hearing has been unable to recover.

The prognosis of sudden deafness is better the earlier the standard treatment.

If hearing loss occurs suddenly (mostly unilateral), accompanied by tinnitus, stuffy ears, vertigo or dizziness, anaphylaxis or hard of hearing, paresthesia around the ear (common in patients with total deafness), you need to go to the hospital as soon as possible.

The golden period of treatment for sudden deafness is 14 days, and the recovery rate is low by 28 days.

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