Hearing loss from everyday behaviors

Excessive volume of headphones, high noise environment, hard blowing nose, digging ears and other daily behaviors may cause irreversible damage to hearing, it is recommended that we pay attention to the "distress signal" issued by the ear, once hearing loss is found, especially sudden deafness, timely medical treatment is very key. He also gave advice on how to protect your hearing.

Five tips to test your listening skills

Hearing screening is usually performed 24 hours after birth and before discharge to see if the baby has hearing problems.

If hearing screening is not passed, further hearing diagnosis is required.

For infants and toddlers who can't speak, parents can observe their babies' auditory behavioral responses.

In general, 3-month-old children will have a scare response when they hear the sound, 6-month-old children will look for the sound source, 8-month-old children will begin to imitate the monophony, some babies will learn to speak at about 1 year old, and there will be simple language expressions at about 2 years old.

If the child of the corresponding age cannot respond as above, or even "thunder cannot move", parents need to be vigilant about whether the child has hearing impairment.

For adults, there are some simple and easy ways to self-test for hearing problems.

  1. If autoacoustic enhancement occurs, that is, the voice of listening to people becomes distant, and the sound of listening to their own voice becomes louder, it is likely to be caused by problems such as fluid accumulation and inflammation in the middle ear;

  2. If the ear cannot hear, but the affected ear can be heard by pulling it upward, it may be caused by ceruminous embolism in the external ear canal (the external ear canal is blocked by ear cerumen).

  3. Not as sensitive to ambient sounds as before, such as hearing birds yesterday, but suddenly not today;

  4. When communicating with others, they do not consciously amplify the sound, an obvious manifestation is that elderly people who speak loudly generally have hearing problems;

  5. It can also be judged with the help of objects around it, such as watches and mobile phone calls.

Sudden deafness seek medical attention

If you suspect or find sudden abnormal loss of hearing, it is recommended to go to a professional hearing center or hospital otolaryngology department for professional pure tone audiometry.

Many adults do not pay attention to the protection of hearing, in fact, once the hearing begins to decline, it is often difficult to return to the normal range.

Therefore, once hearing loss is found, especially sudden deafness, timely medical treatment is very important.

Doctors usually perform hearing tests with the aid of a pure tone audiometer. Hearing loss can be divided into five levels according to the extent of pure tone hearing loss, which are as follows:

Pure tone hearing loss does not exceed 25 decibels for normal hearing, daily listening without difficulty;

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