How do I cough up phlegm

Winter weather is dry and cold, many children began to cough after cold. For children about 1 year old, they can not cough up sputum like adults, coupled with their own trachea, bronchus and relatively small, easy to make sputum and bacteria accumulation into the trachea and lungs. So, the baby cough phlegm can not cough out how to do?

  1. Drink plenty of water.

Drinking more water can not only keep the mouth and nose mucosa moist, relieve discomfort, but also dilute sputum, which is conducive to the discharge of sticky sputum.

Therefore, when the baby coughs, parents can give their children more water. In addition, breast milk, formula milk, liquid foods (such as porridge, soup) are the way of rehydration, should pay attention to eat less sweets and cold drinks, Chinese medicine believes that sweets and cold drinks are easy to produce sputum.

  1. Tap phlegm.

When the baby coughs phlegm, it can be held vertically and patted back to expel phlegm.

When patting back, parents will hold a hand into an empty fist, and then beat in the baby's front chest and back (that is, the position of the left and right lungs) from bottom to top in order, especially in the baby's back and chest below the phlegm is more likely to accumulate, and beat with appropriate force, through vibration to promote the phlegm in the baby's lungs and bronchus to loosen and discharge to the atmospheric tube, so as to achieve the purpose of expectoration.

When patting the back, parents should pay attention to keeping their hands empty, appropriately use some strength, pat each side for 3-5 minutes, and pat 2-3 times a day.

Wipe the sputum around the mouth immediately after coughing it up. If the baby does not cough up sputum, but swallow it down, do not worry too much, because there are many digestive enzymes and acidic liquids in the human digestive tract, which can also sterilize and remove foreign bodies.

  1. Cushion up.

If the baby does not stop coughing when falling asleep, its head can be slightly higher, and the left and right side of the rotation to sleep, which is conducive to the discharge of the baby's respiratory secretions and relieve cough symptoms.

  1. Humidify.

When the baby has a bad cough, the cough can be relieved by water vapor inhalation, with the help of moist air to clear the mucus in the lungs and quell the cough.

If the indoor air is relatively dry, you can put a basin of water in the room or hang a wet towel, you can also use the humidifier properly, pay attention to the use of the humidifier time is not too long.

  1. Atomization.

Atomization therapy is a common treatment method for children with respiratory diseases, which is to disperse drugs into aerosol particles or particles suspended in the gas through the inhalation device, and precipitate drugs in the respiratory tract through inhalation.

Compared with oral medication, nebulizing inhalation therapy can reduce the dose of medication while making the drug directly reach the affected area, reducing the systemic side effects of drugs, and the effect is significant.

If the sputum is more, the baby can not cough out, it can be appropriate to use some drugs with expectorant effect under the guidance of the doctor, so that the sputum attached to the bronchial mucosa can be diluted, and with the help of the cough action to achieve the effect of sputum easy to cough up.

Finally, if the child has a hoarse, barking cough when coughing, or a continuous cough on one breath, and can hear the "ho ho" sound when inhaling, etc., the child should be alert to the possibility of laryngitis, and it is necessary to take the child to the hospital in time to avoid delay.

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