Voice health should be protected

Correct use of voice attention "3 principles", voice health care "11"

After the child has changed his voice from speaking to having a good voice, he should first start from the most basic speaking state, breathing state, and causes, and train in accordance with the "three principles" of using his voice correctly.

The principle of saving:

Produce maximum sound effect with minimum force;

Principle of balance:

Where excessive force is reduced, where insufficient force is increased;

Principle of collaboration:

Use the muscles you should use, not the muscles you shouldn't use.

  1. Don't talk, yell, argue, or lose your temper.

  2. Don't talk in a weird voice;

  3. Don't talk in a whisper for a long time. Especially if the doctor has advised silence;

  4. Overcome your habit of clearing your throat.

  5. Speak little or nothing in noisy environments;

  6. Talk less when you have a cold, menstrual period, and physical fatigue;

  7. Don't talk for too long; Speak with appropriate loudness and speed;

  8. Do not squeeze, clamp or press your throat to speak; Drink plenty of water, at least 8 glasses a day; Avoid tobacco and alcohol; Drink less caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea, cola, etc.

  9. Eat less irritating food such as fried, spicy, nucleoli and other foods;

  10. Fasting 3 hours before going to bed to avoid the discomfort caused by reflux laryngitis;

  11. Try to avoid smoking, pollution, dry, noisy environments.

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