Spring cough singing trilogy coping

After the Qingming Festival, the hot and cold weather makes many children "hit", a cold cough, not only the children hard, parents listen to also worry, immediately use a variety of cough water, cough pills, when should parents give children cough medicine, when should they go to the hospital to see a doctor?

Song 1: Listen to the cough.

A cough is common, but its sound can indicate a variety of changes.

Parents should learn to identify the severity of a cough by the sound of their child's cough.

In general, if the cough is not accompanied or accompanied by a small amount of sputum, it may be a dry cough caused by the early cold, parents do not have to be too anxious, first use cold medicine and then observe a day or two. However, if you hear a change in the sound of your child's cough, you should be alert.

  1. 1 to 3 days after the cold began to cough frequently, cough hoarse like barking, serious symptoms such as blue face, cyanosis of the mouth and lips, irritability, dyspnea, cough often occurs at night, then it is likely to be acute laryngitis caused by cough.

  2. When coughing, there is a "hissing" sound, and the breathing appears to be very rapid, then it may be caused by bronchitis.

  3. Cough symptoms appear after a week of cold, one breath will cough many times, and the "ho ho" sound can be heard when breathing in, then it may be combined with bacterial infection, sputum blocked the respiratory tract.

If there is a strange cough after these colds, parents should be vigilant and take their children to the hospital in time to ask a pediatric or respiratory specialist for diagnosis and treatment, so as not to delay the condition.

Part Two: Relieving cough and expelling phlegm first.

When many parents hear their children cough, they want to let their children eat some cough medicine to stop the cough.

In fact, cough is a protective reflex caused by irritation of the respiratory mucosa, when the child catches a cold, through coughing, the phlegm and bacteria that accumulate in the trachea and lungs can be coughed out, which is conducive to the recovery of the disease.

However, if you blindly take cough medicine, inhibit this cough reflex, it will cause a large amount of sputum to remain in the respiratory tract, which will cause increased inflammation and prolonged cough.

Therefore, children cough sputum should be expectorated first.

But if it is only a dry cough without phlegm, and the cough is intense and frequent, it has affected the daily rest, then it needs antitussive treatment, which can be used under the guidance of a doctor.

The first trilogy: Drink more water to help eliminate phlegm.

"Three points of treatment, seven points of support", when the child coughs, parents in addition to following the doctor's advice to the child to take medicine, daily care is also indispensable. During the cough, the baby should drink more warm water, so that the viscous secretions can be diluted and it is easier to cough out.

If your baby doesn't stop coughing while he or she is asleep, you can cushion your baby's pillow a little higher or breathe in steam to help clear mucus from the lungs and calm the cough.

When the child does not cough up sputum, parents can also beat the baby's front chest and back (the position of the left and right lungs) from bottom to top in an orderly manner, especially the lower back and chest where sputum is easy to accumulate, to promote the discharge of the baby's sputum.

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