Jane Eyre yogurt "ingredient list without adding" has been questioned the OEM model hidden dangers

Due to the suspicion that the product ingredients are no different from "ordinary yogurt", on April 2, the "net red yogurt" Jane Eyre Yogurt released a statement on the "certain Hu" platform author to smear Jane Eyre Yogurt article on the official wechat, in the form of "refuting rumors" to respond to the product ingredients, "other no" trademarks and other issues.

The reporter called Jane Eyre's official website to consult the relevant situation, and the other party said that it would contact the relevant person in charge to reply, but as of press time, it had not received a reply.

It is understood that the author of the "certain Hu" platform mentioned by the official wechat of Jane Eyre Yogurt wrote that the stabilizer can now generally not be written into the ingredient list (our country's law stipulates that the ingredient content is less than 2% of the whole can not be written into the ingredient list) : Thickeners are more enjoyable and easier to do, the earliest thickener is starch or AGAR, and now slowly use citrus stearol, with which the thickener content can be less than 2%, it is not written into the ingredients list.

Taking Jane Eyre yogurt as an example, the above authors said in the article: "Jane Eyre yogurt ingredients is' milk + strain + sugar ', and all the manufacturers of yogurt is the same, but with citrus lipol or other thickening agents I do not know, so the ingredient list can be written 'no add', consumers look healthier, but in fact, there is no difference with other yogurts, even look at the amount of bacteria added is not as good as some brands of yogurts." In this way, the product has a marketing point, coupled with advertising and marketing overwhelming hit, sales stable..." .

In its official micro statement, Jian Ai yogurt called the above content "rumors" and issued a statement saying that according to the national "General Rules for pre-packaged food labeling" GB 7718-2011: various ingredients should be arranged in the descending order of the amount added when manufacturing or processing food; Ingredients that do not exceed 2% can be listed in descending order, rather than not labeled. The "ingredients below 2% of the whole can not be labeled" mentioned in the article is simply not true. In the quality inspection report of all Jane Eyre products, the content of food additives is shown as "not detected", rather than <=2%.

In addition, the aforementioned author also pointed out in the article that "other no" is actually a registered trademark of Jane Eyre yogurt, and posted the trademark query results as evidence.

Jane Eyre believes that the author has "distorted and misleading" behavior, and stated that: when Jane Eyre proposed "only raw milk, sugar, lactic acid bacteria, nothing else added" high-end no-add yogurt product concept, there is no similar pre-packaged food in the market for sale, so we will "other no" application for registration as a trademark, to protect our unique positioning. All along, "Jane Eyre yogurt" has never hidden the fact that "other no" is the trademark, at the same time, "other no" is not only a trademark, but also Jane Eyre yogurt's commitment to "no added" yogurt.

Chinese food industry analyst Zhu Danpeng said that measuring the quality of yogurt is not to see whether it is added - zero addition is not the best, the main thing is to look at the industry end, look at the time interval between raw milk and yogurt, which is very important. Raw milk from extrusion to yogurt, the shorter the finished product time, its nutritional value and nutritional elements retention better, the value will be higher. Secondly, the milk source is also very important, depending on whether it is a high-quality milk source. Finally, the protein content also determines the quality of yogurt.

Zhu Danpeng said that Jane Eyre's OEM model is more worrying, "because as long as it is OEM, it does not control the entire production end, which is a hidden danger of Jane Eyre."

The information shows that Jane Eyre brand belongs to Guangzhou Pucheng Dairy Co., LTD., the company was established in November 2014, registered capital of 66,396,400 yuan, the legal representative Xia Haitong, who has 20 years of experience in the dairy industry. 15 years at Mengniu.

China network financial reporters in the sky eye check trademark information column noted that the company has a total of 174 trademarks, including: "father love formula", "body know", "simplified", "0%" and so on.

It is understood that Jane Eyre has always claimed that "good yogurt should be 100% good fresh milk + high-quality probiotics + minimalist formula". At present, there are Jane Eyre naked yogurt series, high protein yogurt series, and probiotic yogurt series three series of yogurt.

In the official mall of Jane Eyre, the reporter noted that 0% sugar yogurt original (135g12 cups) is priced at 98 yuan per box, 4% sugar strawberry yogurt (135g12 cups) is priced at 119 yuan per box, and Father's formula TM0% sugar original (100g*12 bags) is priced at 99 yuan per box.

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