Do puzzles hurt your eyes

With the improvement of living conditions, there are a wide variety of toys for children on the market. In these rich toys, children often come into contact with fine toy parts or puzzles, light sources of various eye-catching objects, whether these toys have adverse effects on vision? What are the children's behaviors that need to cause parents' vigilance and attention?

Toys too fine will myopia? Not necessarily!

Puzzles, building blocks often have many fine parts, can exercise children's thinking, but will it affect vision?

This fine close-up use of the eye can be a double-edged sword.

For one thing, it can help vision development. Clinically, doctors often recommend that children with amblyopia perform this kind of fine work to improve their eyesight.

On the other hand, long periods of close eye contact can accelerate the development of myopia. For children who are nearsighted or already nearsighted, this eye habit is not friendly.

Therefore, "whether playing with delicate toys for a long time and in close proximity is harmful" varies from person to person.

For children with high farsightedness or even amblyopia, playing with these elaborate toys is not a problem; For children who are at risk of myopia or have myopia, the play of fine toys should pay attention to the way, pay attention to maintaining sufficient eye distance and intermittent rest, such as every 20 to 30 minutes to relax outdoors.

Laser light source toys to avoid

In addition to toys with fine parts, what other toys have potential adverse effects on children's eye health?

If the colorful toys are within the range of normal light sources, there is no need to worry too much, pay attention to the frequency of use, and avoid long-term blinking to cause eye discomfort. Need to be vigilant, to avoid contact with laser light source items, such as laser Pointers, laser exposure to infant eyes easy to damage the retina, serious can cause retinal perforation.

In addition, the use of infant toys should pay attention to prevent the occurrence of eye trauma. The toy material of the baby is soft, for example, the building blocks can choose cloth. Plastic toys can have smooth edges and no burrs.

Sharp objects scratch the eyes to produce bleeding and redness symptoms, this situation is easier for parents to find, but there are some injuries do not necessarily appear as skin bleeding damage. If the baby's eyes are squinting, unable to open their eyes, often crying, etc., parents should pay attention to whether there have been sharp objects to scrape the baby's eyes. Usually also to put away sharp objects in the home.

The following symptoms alert you to vision problems

For school-age children, if the child often tilts his or her head to see things, squinting at the blackboard, be alert to myopia or false myopia caused by excessive eye fatigue, you can go to the hospital for medical mydilation diagnosis.

It is worth noting that in infants and young children, vision changes are not presented through the common symptoms of tilting the head and squinting, "the infant itself is in a far-sighted state, but the baby can not actively reflect the vision situation, and it is difficult for others to check the vision of the baby, so the baby's vision is often ignored." There are certain eye movements that can be used to see if a baby's vision is normal." On the one hand, the small hand electric can be shaken in front of the baby's eyes, if the baby's eyes can not follow the light of the flashlight to move indicates that there is a situation; On the other hand, it can be observed whether the baby can successfully receive the object, if the object is handed to the baby, the child often cannot receive or cannot receive, it is possible that his vision is in a weak state of sight.

Experts remind that the infant period is a key period of visual development, if you find poor vision, you should be examined as soon as possible, as soon as possible treatment, to prevent amblyopia.

The most common unqualified items for inspection of glasses products "visible light transmission ratio" what does it mean? Is the lens not clear enough?

The visible transmittance of the lens refers to the transmittance of the lens to the visible light. In simple terms, it is the ratio of the amount of visible light passing through the lens to the amount of visible light projected on the surface of the lens. Light needs to enter the human eye through the lens to form vision. Therefore, in general, the higher the visible light transmission ratio of eyewear products, the better.

The factors that affect the visible light transmittance of the lens mainly include the reflection of the lens surface, the scattering of the opaque material inside the lens and the absorption of the lens material. Therefore, the lens "not transparent enough" can be the cause of the lens visible light transmittance unqualified, but may not be the main reason. Because the biggest influence on the visible light transmittance is the reflection of the lens surface, and the main influencing factors of the latter include the refractive index of the lens and the coating technology and process of the lens surface.

Listen to the child's teacher said to let the child "eye" bath sunlight can not myopia, but the sun will also hurt the eyes?

The saying that "eye" bathing in sunlight prevents myopia is correct. We are now advocating to increase outdoor activities to prevent myopia, one of the most important point is to have enough light outdoors. Animal experiments and clinical studies have confirmed that sufficient light can effectively prevent myopia. Of course, parents and friends are right to worry about sun damage to their eyes. But this condition is mainly seen in the retinal damage caused by looking directly at the sun. Regular activities in the sun, avoid looking directly at the sun, not only safe or an important means to prevent myopia.

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