The blurry vision is caused by the cervical spine

Some people can't see things clearly, but no improvement in ophthalmology, there is a disease of blurred vision, the mistake is not in the eyes, but in the cervical spine.

Blurry vision. The problem is in the cervical spine

Cervical spine problems can also cause blurred vision.

How does the cervical spine affect the eyes?

What is the relationship between the eyes and the cervical spine?

People put their hands on both sides of the head, thumb lightly on the muscles under the occipital bone behind the mastoid process behind the ear, and then close their eyes, moving their eyes left and right or up and down, then they can clearly feel the subtle changes in muscle tension under the thumb, which is called "eye ridge movement" in medicine.

These muscles contain a large number of tonoreceptors that coordinate eye movement, and changes in the tone of these muscles can affect the eyes.

Therefore, if the first and second sections of the cervical spine are misaligned, resulting in changes in the tension of these muscles, it will affect the function of the eyes.

In addition, the cervical spine is misaligned, pressing the corresponding nerves, resulting in insufficient blood supply to the eyes, and there will be symptoms of blurred vision.

Protect vision and prevent cervical dislocation

The health of the eyes and cervical spine each affect daily life, and the two are closely related.

To better protect the eye ridge, there are three suggestions:

First, pay attention to the combination of work and rest.

Visual fatigue is not only the fatigue of the eyes themselves, but also the fatigue of the nerves and muscles.

If the nerves and muscles are tired for a long time, local chronic damage will occur, and over time, cervical spondylosis will occur; When cervical spondylosis occurs, it may increase visual fatigue and enter a vicious cycle.

Second, pay attention to the relaxation of the eyes.

After studying or working for a long time, the eyes will feel tired, and even sleepy to the point of being unable to open their eyes.

At this time, you should stop the task at hand, look at the distance, and do eye exercises, you can relax the nervous brain.

Third, pay attention to the warmth and exercise of the cervical spine.

Human cervical vertebrae are basically exposed to the outside, there is no clothing cover.

Summer is vulnerable to the invasion of air conditioning cold air, the muscles of the cervical spine is very easy to spasm, long-term will inevitably lead to the occurrence of cervical spondylosis.

Therefore, the cervical spine should be properly kept warm, and the tense neck muscles should be rubbed at the same time to ensure the smooth flow of Qi and blood and avoid the occurrence of cervical spondylosis.

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