The four biggest invisible vision killers are the most overlooked

We all know that the glare of life, electronics, and eye hygiene can damage children's vision, but there are some invisible vision killers that are easy to overlook.

Summarizing clinical experience, there are mainly the following aspects that need attention.

  1. Sweets.

There are many causes of myopia, one of which is the imbalance of trace elements.

Sugar is one of the most favorite foods of most children, too much food with a large amount of sugar will reduce the elasticity of the sclera of the developing outer wall of the eyeball, and the eyeball is easier to be elongated, resulting in myopia.

Therefore, it is necessary to provide children with a balanced diet and limit the intake of excessive sugar.

  1. Overuse your eyes.

Parents hope that their children will be lost at the starting line, many children for a long time to practice calligraphy, painting, early to learn the piano, may damage eyesight.

When learning the piano, the child has to read the music, pay attention to fingerings and rules, and play the piano while watching the music, sitting for an hour.

The word of the music is small, close to the eyes, but also from time to time to look down at the keys, frequent switching, constantly adjusting the eye ciliary muscle to focus, it is easy to lead to children's vision fatigue.

The same is true of practicing calligraphy and painting for a long time.

In the long run, it is very easy to become nearsighted.

Therefore, do not force children to use their eyes too much, they should be given enough play and rest time.

  1. Various eye injuries.

Children are lively and active, and lack the ability to predict danger, vulnerable to a variety of eye injuries, including some sharp objects, such as: knife scissors, pen and other poking injuries, causing cornea, sclera perforation, thereby destroying the structure of the eye, and even further cause intraocular inflammation, and ultimately damage vision.

A variety of acidic and alkaline chemicals, such as accidentally into the eyes, will cause chemical burns, seriously affecting vision.

Parents should often carry out safety education to their children, so that he knows how to avoid injury.

  1. Various congenital eye diseases.

Clinically, parents often encounter examples of lifelong regrets caused by the lack of understanding of some congenital eye diseases, missing the best treatment opportunity.

For example, congenital cataracts, retinopathy of prematurity, severe refractive errors and other diseases, if not treated early, will miss the golden time of children's retinal development, the formation of amblyopia, resulting in irreparable loss.

Parents should regularly take their children to the eye for examination, early detection, early treatment.

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