Who is backing Russia? Dozens of countries can't lose Russia? Let's have a look!

Power advantage: Russia has ample supplies of ammunition
Russia has demonstrated a strong military superiority in proxy wars, mainly due to their rich ammunition reserves and solid industrial base. As the successor to the former Soviet Union, Russia inherited about 6 million tons of ammunition and still retains a considerable number of ammunition production plants. These ammunition reserves may not be needed in peacetime, but if war breaks out, Russia can quickly activate the military-first economy and produce large quantities of munitions. In addition, Russia's heavy industry is the world's leading strength and can quickly produce a large number of weapons and equipment to meet military needs. It is precisely because of these advantages that Russia is able to continuously produce munitions in the war, so that its combat capabilities are effectively guaranteed.

It is important to note that Russia's power does not depend on the aid of some mysterious third country, but on its own strength. They were rooted in strong ammunition reserves and strong industrial strength, which allowed them to persist in war for a long time, despite the pressure of a strong enemy. This is one of the reasons why Russia has become an important player in international affairs. Their military strength and tenacity will continue to be important variables in international affairs. Although there is no satisfactory evidence that Russia is backed by a third country, Russia's own strength is sufficient to keep it in a strong position in the war.

Ammunition shortage: The West is under pressure
In contrast to Russia's abundance of ammunition, Western countries face a serious shortage of ammunition. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has publicly stated that NATO's ammunition stocks are seriously low, which raises questions. Nearly two years into the proxy war, the West is only just waking up to the gravity of the situation. They began to wonder if there was a big man behind the scenes controlling the situation, but so far have not found a satisfactory answer.

As the fighting escalated, the armies used up the ammunition they needed for their own prevention, but the shortage of supply became more and more serious. Countries led by the United States have to face the shortcomings of their own military strength and lament the dilemma of insufficient ammunition. The Russians, on the other hand, have an ample strategy of ammunition supplies, allowing them to fight with ease. According to Western statistics, in the strategic location of Bahmut alone, Russia consumes more than three times as many artillery shells per day as the United States produces in a month. This is a shocking statistic, and the meaning behind it cannot be ignored.

The nature of war is to consume resources, and Russia is adept at using ammunition to advance its war objectives until the enemy is unable to resist. And the West, short of ammunition, can do little to counter Russia. This ammunition supply dilemma puts enormous pressure on Western countries and is a major reason for their weakening in proxy wars.

Behind-the-scenes help: Russia's power comes from within
Although there are suspicions that Russia may be backed by a third country, there is no conclusive evidence that any country is providing arms to Russia. On the contrary, Russia's great power stems from its own ammunition reserves and industrial prowess. They were able to produce large quantities of ammunition and military equipment on a self-sustaining basis and were continuously put into use in war. This strength allows Russia to be confident and fearless in international affairs.

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