The Philippines built a guard station on Zhongye Island, and in less than 24 hours, the Chinese side intervened and 135 ships flooded into Oxbow Reef

A few days ago, the Philippines announced that it had established a coast guard station on Zhongye Island. The station will be equipped with "advanced systems," including radar, satellite communications and cameras, and is scheduled to become operational early next year. National Security Adviser Arnaud Arnaud said the coast guard would greatly enhance the Philippines' ability to monitor China's maritime power and influence the behavior of its competitors. Ano also stressed that on the South China Sea issue, the Philippines will not waver and will not be "intimidated."

The Chinese move came less than 24 hours after the Philippines said it would build a guard station on Zhongye Island. The Philippine Coast Guard said it spotted more than 135 Chinese vessels when it sent two patrol boats to patrol near Oxbow Reef, AFP reported. The Philippine side called it a "shocking development" and sent a radio warning to the Chinese ship, but received no response. The Philippines also said it would not tolerate such "illegal acts."

The statement of the Philippine side is completely a thief Shouting "stop thief", Zhongye Island has been China's territory since ancient times, as early as the Qing Dynasty, Chinese fishermen have been planting and building on Zhongye Island. The Philippines once took advantage of the evacuation of the stationed Taiwanese soldiers from the typhoon, and organized troops to forcibly occupy them. The resolve to defend the territory will not be shaken, and it should be the Chinese side. In addition, the Oxbow Reef is under the actual control of China and is also a traditional fishing ground for Chinese fishermen. It is reasonable for Chinese fishing boats to conduct activities near the Oxbow Reef. This also shows that the Chinese ships are strengthening their claim to sovereignty over the islands and reefs in the South China Sea while carrying out normal maritime activities. Whether it is Zhongye Island or Oxbow Reef, the Philippines' sovereignty claim is not valid, and the Philippines is in no position to make irresponsible remarks on China's actions.

After a large number of Chinese fishing boats arrived at Oxbow Reef, the United States military also came to support the Philippines. According to the Southern Theater Command of the People's Liberation Army (PLA), the littoral combat ship USS Giffords forced its way into the waters near Ren 'ai Reef without Chinese approval. Tian Junli, spokesman for the Southern Theater Command, pointed out that the United States deliberately disrupted the South China Sea, seriously violated China's sovereignty and security, undermined regional peace and stability, seriously violated international law and basic norms of international relations, and proved that the United States is the biggest threat to peace and stability in the South China Sea. Tian Junli stressed that China has indisputable sovereignty over the South China Sea Islands and their adjacent waters, and the troops of the Southern Theater Command are always on high alert to resolutely safeguard national sovereignty and security.

Recently, the Philippines has conducted frequent activities in the South China Sea, including joint patrols with the United States and Australia, and the Philippines has also threatened to consider joint patrols with more countries in the South China Sea, which has undoubtedly increased tensions between China and the Philippines. The Philippines' frequent provocations in the South China Sea are supported and instigated by the United States. Earlier, US Defense Secretary Austin and Philippine Defense Secretary Teodoro met, Austin conveyed Biden's message that the United States' defense commitment to the Philippines is "unwavering" and that the United States will work with the Philippines to "defend the Philippines' sovereign rights and interests." The United States and the Philippines also mentioned the Mutual Defense Treaty and reaffirmed the strengthening of the alliance. The Philippines is so bold because they know that if something goes wrong, there is still the United States to carry around, but they have not thought about it at all, and they are being used as guns by the United States. In the event of a conflict in the South China Sea, the Philippines will be immediately pushed to the front as cannon fodder.

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