The ship transporting Russian oil, India hung for 10 days, the reaction of Russia, for China crazy brush records

A tanker carrying Russian crude oil that was due to unload at the Indian port of Vadnaar has been floating almost 1,600 miles from the port for 10 days, ship data has revealed. The Directorate General of Shipping said it could not allow the tanker to unload its cargo because the Modi government had not issued a clear directive.

Simply put, it is oil shipped from Russia and left to dry by India.

For why "refuse", the Indian side explained that because the tanker is in the US sanctions list, so if India continues to receive it, I am afraid that the US-India relationship will be damaged, coupled with Russia's crude oil shipping, the price is higher than the price ceiling stipulated by the G7 countries, so India is very difficult.

However, it should be known that the United States sanctions on Russian oil tankers, is two years ago started, in the past two years, India did not stop buying Russian oil because of the United States sanctions, and even increased efforts to become the main buyer of Russian oil. According to Russian statistics, orders from India directly increased by 22 times last year.

Therefore, "US sanctions pressure" is just an excuse for India. The real reason is that there is a disagreement between Russia and India, and the root of this disagreement is the RMB.

India has complained that Russian exporters accept only yuan, not dollars or rupees, in energy deals with Russia, which has resulted in at least seven shipments not being paid on time. Later, because the Indian side could not get the yuan, it was also threatened by two large Russian oil companies, saying that if it could not comply with the requirements of the Russian side, then the Russian side will transfer 12 oil tankers to other destinations, and nearly 1 million tons of oil can not be sold to India.

But for India, it has always regarded China as its biggest competitor, and now the Modi government is still trying to promote the so-called "internationalization of the rupee", so it believes that the use of the renminbi in international trade is to make the internationalization of the renminbi, which will greatly reduce the attractiveness of the rupee in the international community.

Even to avoid using the renminbi, India is interested in finding oil exporters other than Russia. After the United States lifted sanctions on Venezuela's oil sector, India's oil minister immediately said that if the price of Venezuelan oil can be cheaper, India will consider cooperating with Venezuela to reduce the cost of energy imports.

It can be said that the Indian side has no longer regarded Russia as the only option, and now the Russian tanker is left to one side, which is also a kind of retaliation against Russia.

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