Don't let the bad mood get to your stomach

In life, when you are particularly angry about something, you will say, "I am full of anger and my stomach hurts!" . There are also some people who miss their family and friends so much that they "don't think about tea and don't want to eat", and some people even have fake vomiting due to excessive tension...... And when the mood is high and the mood is happy, the appetite increases...

You know, our stomachs have feelings, too. The stomach is a barometer of emotions, and the quality of the stomach is closely related to our emotions.

I believe that many people will have the following symptoms and psychology:

An upset stomach can affect a person's mental state. Often plagued by intestinal diseases, it can be said that the workplace "worker" health portrayal. The gastrointestinal tract itself has a strict system of managing its own, including nerves, metabolites, and gastrointestinal microecology. Anxious mood will make the gastrointestinal feeling more sensitive, mood is not good, the nervous system of the gastrointestinal tube is not coordinated, intestinal function is disordered, in fact, some emotional changes in the brain, will affect all body organs.

So when this happens, we must pay attention to it!

Our "happiness, anger, worry, thinking, sadness, fear, fright" and other seven emotions, will directly affect the digestive system. Among them, "worry" and "thought" in the seven emotions have the greatest impact on the gastrointestinal tract. If you are always worried, resulting in excessive worry, it will lead to Qi depression and Qi knot. Over a long time, liver depression and spleen knot will occur, and gastrointestinal symptoms such as bloating, poor appetite, and indigestion will occur.

These bad moods can affect your stomach.

Too much stress, too much anxiety. Now in the busy life, it is inevitable to encounter troubles in work and family, if not adjusted well, it will cause stomach distension, chest tightness, and lead to stomach disease over time.

The emotion of anger. Bloating may occur when a person is angry, as if many emotions are piling up in the stomach and cannot be digested. Excessive anger often leads to the rise of liver fire, and there is a stomach disease phenomenon of "liver flourishing by spleen".

Nervous, frightened. People are in a tense emotional state of panic, and when they feel afraid, it is easy to cause stomach cramps.

Why do emotions affect the stomach?

Stomach trouble is a "mental illness". If you live in a state of tension and anxiety all day, through the hypothalamus and neurofluid, it will affect the body's bad factors, such as reactive oxygen species, catecholamines and so on. If the secretion of these factors increases, it will further cause damage and inflammation of the gastric mucosa. At the same time, it can also cause spasm and ischemia of the blood vessels supplying our peripheral gastric mucosa.

If the blood vessel supply of the stomach is lost, the gastric mucosa will appear necrosis and other inflammatory changes. A bout of anxiety may cause an injury to the gastric mucosa. However, if we are in a bad mood for a long time, our stomach will sooner or later appear chronic inflammation and erosion. Even the next step will be ulcers, not far from stomach cancer.

If you still don't understand, here's an experiment to help you understand! The experimenter placed the lambs in separate pens and fed them separately. One of the lambs had a Wolf next to it, and every day the lamb could see the vicious Wolf next to it, so every day the lamb was in a painful and fearful environment. The other lamb grew fat and fat in the cheerful environment. The other stimulated lamb, after a few months, became very weak and thin, and its fur was not shiny.

When experts finally dissected the lamb, they found that the stomach was full of bleeding spots. Therefore, this malignant stimulation of vision will cause extreme panic in its emotions, and then cause damage to the gastric mucosa. The normal physiological function of the stomach is called turbid, that is, the food to eat, from the stomach to the small intestine to the large intestine, this process is called the process of the stomach main turbid. When the liver qi stagnation, qi stagnation invade the stomach, it will affect the normal physiological function of the stomach, can not reduce turbidity, so there are stomach distension, nausea, vomiting, belching, acid reflux and so on. Therefore, this series of symptoms is called liver qi invading the stomach. Shugan Zhitong pill can accurately solve the stomach pain caused by liver depression, and the effect is fast. Remember, always take it under the guidance of a doctor. Medication is secondary. Getting rid of the bad mood is the key.

A bad mood affects the stomach, and the stomach also affects the mood.

Psychological factors have a great influence on the stomach. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, emotional depression has a great impact on stomach disease, a lot of stomach diseases are caused by long-term depression, usually in addition to paying attention to diet, but also to regulate the psychology.

Don't argue when you're eating! Because of anger during meals, the secretion of gastric juice is immediately suppressed, affecting digestion, and often this will cause stomach problems. Make sure you eat in a happy state of mind.

Pay extra attention to what you eat, too. For example, stop smoking and drinking, do not eat spicy and stimulating food, do not eat too greasy food, do not eat raw and cold food, do not eat food that deteriorates overnight. Eat three regular meals to avoid overeating.

After work, take more exercise, actively face life, avoid depression, anxiety, anger and other emotions and psychological states, and maintain a good mood!

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