How did the aesthetic trend change again

This is because women judge themselves invisibly while watching other women.

Nowadays, we often discuss appearance and body anxiety, but behind this discussion, it is society's rules and regulations on women's appearance.

But these rules and regulations often come from the rendering of the public opinion environment.

So you will find that the "juvenile teeth" have been promoted as a new round of aesthetic template, but the implicit behind this is just advocating "girlishness" in disguise.

Under the wave of consumerism, the subjective aesthetic is weakened, coupled with the public effect of social media, so those female images that seem to conform to the mainstream aesthetic will become the standard template of appearance.

In other words, aesthetics are man-made trends.

There is no good or bad aesthetic, so why are we so persistent and deliberately pursuing the so-called "aesthetic standards", wanting to become the "fairy ears", "comic waist", "high cranial top", "right shoulder" that are popular all over the Internet?

The so-called standards are just the routines of consumerism.

In the face of the routine of consumerism, in the final analysis, you should understand that your beauty has never been defined by those "beauty standards" on the market, and whether you need to be saved is not the final word of consumerism

Instead, it's up to you.

Now think about it, when you look back at this very popular "juvenile teeth", is not the child commonly known as "big die teeth"?

People born with this kind of teeth are always ridiculed in the process of growing up, and even crowned with the title of "front teeth sister", but now because of too many blindly follow the trend, the wind has changed, they have become the current aesthetic tide.

In fact, whether Jennie or Lin Naliang, they just happened to be chosen by the trend and labeled "juvenile teeth".

On social media, we have also witnessed countless people following the hashtag, when orthodontics became popular, they went to the hospital to have their tiger teeth and rabbit teeth peeled, and now "juvenile teeth" is popular, they have attached dental patches, returning to the original rabbit teeth.

Of course, there are countless people who keep the same, only to find that "the original do nothing, the fashion aesthetic will come to you."

You see, from "big die" to "juvenile" teeth, all that changes is the standard, and those who ignore the standard, have not changed.

All of us are not born perfect, not all of us have a pair of big eyes, high nose bridge, not all of us have attractive features and bodies.

But it's those imperfections that make you a real, special person.

When you are constantly running towards other people's standards, constantly adjusting the direction.

In the end you will find that you have finally lost the standard, lost the direction.

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