The eyes are the Windows to the soul

Foods rich in vitamin A, including broccoli, carrots, mangoes, etc.

The B vitamin group is an essential component of vision care and can be obtained from animal liver, dairy products, lean meat, green leafy vegetables, beans, brown rice and more.

  1. Overuse your eyes

Today's children not only have homework every day, but also the temptation of computers and mobile phones, and use their eyes almost all the time.

Staring at the blackboard in class, staring at the book after class, finally have a break and want to watch videos, play video games for a while, how do your eyes have a chance to rest?

Therefore, parents should supervise their children to take a reasonable rest and avoid excessive use of their eyes.

The key to proper eye use:

Step 1 Get the right light

Reading and writing in poor (too dark or too strong) light for long periods of time can seriously affect vision.

Therefore, it is necessary to provide children with light brightness suitable for reading and writing. In addition, when watching TV and using the computer, there should also be a certain background light (hanging a small lamp on the top).

If you cannot determine whether the light brightness of your study, work, or living place is appropriate, you can use an eye protection pen to do some monitoring.

  1. Use eye distance

Close eye use is an important factor affecting vision.

Do not read when walking or riding, due to the driving bump, the distance between the book and the eye is constantly changing, and the eyes are constantly changing and adjusting, which is easy to cause visual fatigue.

The eyeballs of primary and secondary school students are in the stage of development, and long-term poor eye posture is easy to cause abnormal development of the eyeballs, resulting in decreased vision.

Therefore, when using the eyes at close range, the body should remain stationary, sit upright, and maintain a distance of about 33 centimeters between the eyes and the book.

  1. Use eye time

Usually, when using the eyes at a close distance, take a rest of 10 to 15 minutes every 45 to 50 minutes, and try to look far away when resting, or moderate massage the eyes.

The younger the child, the shorter the close eye time, pay attention to outdoor activities.

Do you remember the parents and children? Eyes are the Windows of the soul, we should take good care of them.

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