Touch five places know the heart is good or bad

Ear lobe crease. It refers to the oblique fold that starts between the tragus of the ear and ends at the edge of the earlobe at a 45° Angle and is longer than 1/3 of the earlobe, visible on one or both sides of the earlobe.

Epidemiological studies have found that people with this type of ear lobe crease have a significantly increased risk of coronary heart disease, so it is generally believed that the ear lobe crease sign is a clue to the early detection of cardiovascular disease. It should be made clear that the earlobe crease is not the absolute and only indicator, and specific factors should also be considered in other aspects of the patient, so once the earlobe crease is found, it is best to go to the hospital for further examination.

Neck circumference. Neck circumference, as an index of subcutaneous fat in the upper body, indirectly reflects the concentration of free fatty acids in the whole body. Hyperlipidemia is an important risk factor for coronary heart disease, and studies have shown that neck circumference is more sensitive to predict coronary heart disease than other body fat indicators.

Generally, there is not a simple linear relationship between male neck circumference and coronary heart disease. Men with neck circumference of 36.38 ~ 37.80 cm have the highest risk of coronary heart disease. In women, those with a neck circumference of 35.35 cm or more have a higher risk of coronary heart disease. It is recommended to feel your neck regularly and measure the circumference of your neck.

Measurement method: In the upright position, with eyes level, measure the neck circumference from the upper margin of the seventh cervical vertebra (the most protruding point of the neck when the head is lowered) to the neck level below the Adam's apple in the front.

Waist circumference. The abdomen is another part of the subcutaneous fat accumulation, so the waist circumference is another indicator of blood lipid status. Waist circumference ≥85 cm for men and ≥80 cm for women is the limit of abdominal fat accumulation.

An excess waist size, also known as "central obesity," is a risk factor for type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, stroke and many cancers. Once the waist circumference is found to be excessive, it is necessary to go to the hospital in time for blood pressure, lipid and blood sugar tests.

Measurement methods: upright position, feet 30 ~ 40 cm apart, soft ruler placed on the right midpoint of the upper margin of the hipbone and the lower margin of the 12th rib line, along the horizontal direction around the abdomen, close to the skin without pressing, reading.

A pulse. Pulse reflects the beating of the heart, and a healthy heart can stably maintain a uniform and rhythmic beat of 60 to 100 times/min. Too fast or too slow, irregular rhythms, and varying strength are all signs of heart disease.

However, after emotional excitement or physical activity, the pulse can be temporarily increased, and it can be restored after a few minutes of rest. People with "three highs" may wish to feel their pulse regularly and record the pulse.

Measurement method: Lie on your back for 3 minutes with left or right arm extended; Press the index finger, middle finger and ring finger of the other hand on the location of the wrist radial artery of the extended arm; Keep breathing normally and evenly. Count for 1 minute.

Edema of the ankle. The ankle is the lowest part of the body, when the heart function is normal, the venous blood of the lower limb can smoothly return to the heart; When the heart is not functioning well, the blood in the lower extremities cannot flow back to the heart, which is manifested as ankle edema.

Other causes such as hypoproteinemia, kidney disease, medications and other factors may also lead to ankle edema. If foot and ankle edema is found, it is necessary to pay high attention and seek medical attention as soon as possible. Measurement method: The finger pressed hard on the ankle or the front side of the calf for a few seconds, after the finger was loosened, the press site was depressed, and it could be judged as edema if it could not be recovered immediately.

Seven hours of sleep a day is best for the heart

A meta-analysis suggests that people who sleep too much or too little have an increased risk of dying or having a cardiovascular event, with those who sleep about seven hours a day having the lowest risk.

The researchers systematically searched relevant prospective cohort studies published before December 1, 2016, in multiple specialized biomedical related databases to examine the association between sleep duration and the outcomes of four cardiovascular events in an overall healthy population.

The results of the data analysis showed a U-shaped correlation between sleep duration and the outcomes of four cardiovascular events.

Specifically, compared with people who slept for 7 hours a day, each 1-hour reduction in sleep duration was associated with a 6% increased risk of all-cause death and cardiovascular disease, a 7% increased risk of coronary heart disease, and a 5% increased risk of stroke. For each additional hour of sleep duration, the risk of death increased by 13%, the risk of cardiovascular disease increased by 12%, the risk of coronary heart disease increased by 5%, and the risk of stroke increased by 18%.

A study found that a moderate amount of sleep, like a reasonable diet and active exercise, can replenish energy, regulate physiological functions and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Sleep more sleep less, are not good for heart health, it is recommended that everyone ensure 7 hours of sleep every day.

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