2023 Jianmei Curve Eastern Aesthetics Forum

On July 1, 2023, the "2023 Simple Beauty Curve Oriental Aesthetics Forum" sponsored by Chongqing Meihaoyuan Industrial Co., Ltd.

opened in the world famous fairyland Jiuzhaigou. Tang Zhenli, the founder of Jianmei Curve brand, Tang Zhenyan, the instructor of Oriental body aesthetics, Wu Shengming, the legendary woman, Tang Hengyuan, the famous painter, Fu Suqin, the queen of fashion design, and many other famous teachers shared their insights on how Oriental aesthetics can see the new era from various fields.

Let the guests hear about the innovative drive of Eastern aesthetics, the trend of combining underwear with Eastern aesthetics, and the Oriental aesthetic expression of Chinese fashion clothing.

The theme of this forum, "Chinese Beauty, Chinese Dream, Amazing the World with You", is based on the new era and new women. Under the background of globalization, it brings together the strength of various disciplines such as fashion design, body aesthetics, and Oriental aesthetics to communicate and explore Oriental aesthetics from the perspective of different cultures and share the thinking and achievements of Oriental aesthetics in the field of fashion culture and body aesthetics.

Reveal the inner nature and modern expression of modern Oriental female beauty.

Ms. Tang Zhenli, chairman of Chongqing Meihaoyuan Business Co., LTD., founder of Jianmei Curve brand, and vice president of Chongqing Yubei Garment Industry Chamber of Commerce, has been taking women's expectations and pursuit of beauty as her mission, so that the brand of Jianmei Curve can spread to all levels of society, so that more women can be more beautiful, confident, and their families can be more happy and harmonious.

She leads the Jianmei curve team not to forget the original heart, keep in mind the corporate mission, and constantly develop new technologies in the field of shapewear, and perfectly combine with Eastern aesthetics, so that every woman can become a "healthy, confident, beautiful and fashionable" charming woman in the new era.

Wu Shengming, a legendary Chinese woman, shows us the unique beauty of Oriental women with her legendary experience. At the forum, she used "health, beauty and wealth" as the topic, explaining her noble view of Oriental female beauty, "beauty is not only the appearance, but also the inner strength and confidence." She infected every guest with her own efforts and charm.

Tang Hengyuan, a famous painter, painted on the spot at this forum - Xianglong tribute, with this fine painting blessing the curve of simple beauty thriving, but also to show the beauty and profound connotation of traditional Chinese culture.

Through this work, we can feel the creativity of Chinese artists and their unique insights into Eastern aesthetics.

The world's magnificent Jiuzhaigou Valley and Mr. Tang Hengyuan's work fit perfectly, adding a fairyland charm to the forum site.

The large-scale fashion show on the scene of the forum interprets the perfect combination of high-end underwear and Oriental aesthetics, and the on-site models wear a variety of series of clothes of the Jianmei Curve brand, showing the graceful and healthy elegant body shape of women, highlighting the curves and elegance of the female body.

The simple beauty curve combines the bold design of lingerie with luxurious phoenix and graceful peony, presenting the confidence and beauty of a woman after transformation and rebirth.

Jiuzhaigou is famous for its unique natural features and beautiful scenery, and Jianmei Curve occupies a leading position in the industry with its continuous innovation in the perspective of globalization and its adherence to the corporate mission.

Simple beauty Tiangong is unique in China, Jiuzhai sacred scenery is unparalleled in the world!

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