After dinner sports stomach ptosis? That's a bit of an unnecessary worry

"Activities after meals can easily lead to stomach ptosis" can be said to be a classic myth, its "theoretical basis" is that the stomach is like a balloon filled with water when you are full, if you run and jump at this time, the stomach will be inside the things "fall" to deformation, causing stomach ptosis. In fact, there is no need to worry. The latest edition of the "Science" myth list has revealed a number of health myths once considered common knowledge by many people. Let's take a look at some of the most popular health rumors that have been shot down recently.

The monthly "Science" rumor list is jointly released by Beijing Science and Technology Association, Beijing Municipal Committee Network Information Office, Capital Internet Association, Beijing Science and Technology Journalists and Editors Association, Beijing area website and rumor refuting platform.

Rumor has it that coughing for too long can lead to pneumonia

In fact, the high incidence of respiratory infectious diseases in winter, accompanied by bursts of cough, is a variety of health misunderstandings. One of the most popular myths recently is that "coughing after a cold for a long time will involve the lower respiratory tract and cause pneumonia."

In fact, cough and pneumonia are different concepts, cough is only a symptom of the disease, not a disease, cough can be caused by a variety of reasons. When pathogens such as viruses and bacteria only affect the upper respiratory tract but not the lower respiratory tract, cough symptoms usually occur. The common cold can cause coughing, as can pneumonia, but coughing itself does not cause pneumonia.

When the cough is serious, lying down respiratory secretions are easy to accumulate, which will aggravate the cough. You can consider padding the head, which is conducive to smooth breathing and cough and expectoration. If you cough up blood (blood in the sputum), cough at night (or when changing the position), cough a lot of yellow pus sputum, or fever after infection, shortness of breath, dyspnea, chest pain and other original symptoms significantly worse, and cough more than 2 weeks, it is recommended to go to the hospital.

This myth survived H1N1 and it won't survive B-virus for a while

In fact, some people think that both influenza A and influenza B are influenza, so after getting influenza A, the body will also develop immunity to influenza B in the short term. In fact, influenza A and influenza B are two different subtypes of influenza and do not have cross-immune mechanisms. Specific antibodies produced after infection with influenza A virus do not provide effective protection against influenza B infection, and vice versa. In other words, after being infected with influenza A, if the patient is relatively weak, he may still be infected with influenza B.

In general, the likelihood of contracting the same subtype of influenza virus within a year is very small. For example, the current epidemic is A (H3N2) subtype of influenza A virus, infected with the patient's body will have immunity to this type of virus, then the probability of contracting the same type of virus again within a year is small. However, because the influenza A virus is easily mutated, people who have not been vaccinated against influenza may be reinfected with other subtypes of influenza A virus. In recent years, because the influenza B virus does not have much mutation, the spread is relatively small, and the probability of re-infection within a year is also small.

As the Spring Festival approaches and social mobility increases, people who have not been infected with the flu virus can seize the opportunity to get the flu vaccine. In addition, schools and homes should pay attention to regular ventilation, especially if there are influenza patients in the home, it is necessary to maintain ventilation to reduce the concentration of the virus in the closed environment; Reduce the number of densely populated places, go to public places, especially hospitals, must wear a mask; Wash the nose with saline daily to help reduce the probability of viral infection.

The myth is that exercising right after eating causes stomach ptosis

The truth is that our internal organs are actually attached to muscles, connected with a lot of ligaments, fascia, etc., and are "covered" in the place where it should be, although it can move a little, it is difficult to move violently. Gastric ptosis is due to the problem of this "suspension system", such as the lack of suspension force of the diaphragm, the function of the supporting ligament is reduced and relaxed, the internal pressure of the abdomen is decreased, the stomach tension is low, and the abdominal muscle is relaxed.

Long-term overexertion of the brain, hyperperistalsis of the stomach, and the position of the diaphragm can lead to gastric ptosis. Eating less or overeating over a long period of time can also increase the risk of stomach ptosis. But these factors are often cumulative and have nothing to do with light exercise after meals. Therefore, we can not worry about "a hundred steps after meals" to get gastric ptosis.

Of course, if you eat too much and immediately carry out strenuous exercise such as running, jumping rope, it may lead to the reflux of things in the stomach, which makes people feel uncomfortable, and just after eating strenuous exercise, it will also be deformed because of factors such as bloating, and the action may not play its best level. Therefore, if it is a strenuous exercise, it is recommended to do it 1 to 2 hours after eating.

Myth is you can get HPV from hot springs

In fact, some netizens recently posted that flat warts were found on the neck after soaking in hot springs, which was thought to be caused by HPV infection in hot springs. The news came out, terrified many netizens: can you also happily soak in hot springs?

Don't worry, people don't get condyloma acuminatum or flat warts from soaking in hot springs. If there is no contact between skin lesions, the human papillomavirus (HPV) will not be infected, which is likely to cause cervical cancer and condyloma acuminatum. The HPV virus is difficult to survive in hot springs, and there is not enough to infect the intact human skin, so the probability of HPV infection in hot springs is also very low.

There are more than 100 types of HPV in nature, only a small percentage of which infect humans. Some of them mainly infect the skin and cause common warts, filamentous warts, plantar warts, plantar warts, etc. The other part is mainly infected with mucosal tissue, of which low-risk types (such as HPV-6 and HPV-11) mainly lead to condyloma acuminatum, while long-term chronic infection of high-risk types (such as HPV-16, HPV-18, etc.) may lead to cervical cancer, anal cancer, oropharyngeal cancer in women.

The spread of HPV is mainly through contact between the skin, especially sexual transmission is the main cause of condyloma acuminatum. After leaving the human body, the survival time of the HPV virus in the daily living environment is very short, even if there are some viruses on the surface of the object, it does not mean that effective transmission can be formed.

Soaking in hot springs, how to soak at ease? First of all, if the skin, especially the skin of the private area has trauma, or the woman is in the menstrual period, it is not recommended to go to the hot spring. Secondly, we should try to choose a hot spring with a clean environment and a spring quality rating, and it is best to choose an independent bubble pool. After bathing in the public bath pool, rinse the whole body in time, and use a clean special bath towel to wipe the body. Finally, if you find that the skin has a wound after soaking in the hot spring, it should be treated immediately, do not scratch.

The following people should not soak in hot springs: suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, emphysema, anemia of the elderly; Patients with severe arteriosclerosis and chronically poorly controlled high blood pressure; Women who are in their menstrual period and those who are allergic to hot springs; People with wounds, ulcerations and severe infections of the skin, people with infectious skin diseases. In addition, children, pregnant women, diabetic patients and people with allergies should not soak in hot springs for a long time.

Rumor has it that the oil produced by the "leaching method" contains harmful substances

The truth circulating on the Internet is that the oil made by the "leaching method" is easy to contain various harmful chemicals. The reason is that the extraction process requires the use of chemical solvents. That's not the truth.

"Oil extraction" refers to the process of extracting oil from plant oils. Many people worry about the chemical residue of the leached oil soaked in chemical reagents. In fact, the "vegetable oil extraction solvent" used in the leaching method is a special food-grade solvent produced by the state for the extraction of vegetable oil, and the solvent does not have any chemical reaction with the oil during the entire production process, and will be completely removed in the subsequent refining process.

At present, there are two main technologies for extracting oil from vegetable oil: pressing method and leaching method. Pressing method is the method of extracting oil from oil by mechanical pressing, and it is also the most traditional method. The leaching rule is the process of using chemical solvents to dissolve the oil components in the oil and then separate it from the solid, also known as leaching and extraction. It is the same as the principle of soaking sugar in beets with water and soaking the active ingredients of traditional Chinese medicine with alcohol.

The oil yield of the pressing method is low, the efficiency of the extraction of oil by the leaching method will be much higher, which can reduce waste, and the scale of the leaching oil can be very large, which is impossible to do by the pressing process. Therefore, the leaching process has gradually become the mainstream practice of oil processing plants.

Therefore, whether pressing method or leaching method, as long as it is produced in accordance with national standards and meets the national food safety standards and product quality standards, the finished edible vegetable oil is safe.

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