How is nucleic acid testing performed in high-risk areas

Lei Zhenglong also pointed out that it is necessary to scientifically and accurately determine the risk personnel such as close contacts, close contacts, and exposed personnel in epidemic sites. Make overall arrangements for the deployment of transport work,

formulate transport plans based on the actual local conditions, rationally arrange transport tasks and transport time, strengthen daily inspection and safety maintenance of transport vehicles, improve the safety awareness of passengers, and ensure transport safety.Scientific, precise and effective prevention and control of the epidemic

In view of the large number of control personnel in medium-risk areas and the low subsequent positive detection rate, in order to reduce unnecessary control of regional personnel as much as possible and conduct more scientific and accurate epidemic prevention and control,

the determination of medium-risk areas was cancelled in the twenty measures, and high-risk areas were more scientifically and accurately determined by unit and building. Such optimization and adjustment have put forward higher standards for the treatment of the epidemic in various places,

requiring more accurate and efficient flow adjustment and risk research and judgment, and controlling the risks under management, implementing the implementation in place, and resolutely canceling the cancellation.

This also requires local governments to constantly summarize the practical experience of handling past epidemics, and make exploratory and innovative efforts to deal with the epidemic quickly.

Q: How is nucleic acid testing performed in high-risk areas?

A: Nucleic acid testing is required to be carried out in the first 3 days after the implementation of containment in high-risk areas, and the frequency of subsequent testing can be determined according to the results of the first 3 tests.

In the 24 hours before the removal of management, to complete the nucleic acid test of all personnel in a region. In this process, door-to-door sampling and single detection should be implemented for the personnel included in the containment,

the risk personnel who did not transfer in time, the personnel who were positive for antigen testing, the personnel who were mixed positive for review, the patients with mobility difficulties and the elderly.

Q: How can nucleic acid testing be carried out in areas without epidemics?

A: In areas where the epidemic has not occurred, the main task is to strictly implement the nucleic acid testing requirements for risk positions and key personnel, so as to ensure that nucleic acid testing should be carried out to ensure high quality and meet the frequency requirements, and it is not allowed to arbitrarily fail or miss detection, nor can it expand the scope of nucleic acid testing without authorization.

Q: How can nucleic acid testing be carried out in affected areas?

A: After the occurrence of a local epidemic, it is necessary to make a comprehensive investigation based on the population size of the epidemic area, whether the source of infection is clear,

whether there is a risk of community transmission and whether the chain of transmission is clear, and determine the scope, frequency and sequence of testing groups according to the risk and in accordance with the principle of classification.

If there are only sporadic infected people in the local epidemic, the transmission chain is clear, and there is no risk of community transmission, generally not according to the administrative region to carry out nucleic acid testing; When there is a risk of spread of the epidemic,

the area where the epidemic is located can carry out nucleic acid testing once a day according to the risk assessment results. After three consecutive nucleic acid tests do not find social infected persons, another nucleic acid test is carried out three days after the interval, and the nucleic acid testing of all infected persons can be stopped.

In other areas where infected persons have frequent activities and stay for a long time, a certain area can be designated to carry out nucleic acid testing for all personnel based on the flow investigation and judgment.

In principle, nucleic acid testing for all employees should be carried out once a day, and if three consecutive nucleic acid tests fail to meet infected persons, nucleic acid testing for all employees can be stopped.

Q: What are the requirements for nucleic acid test certificates in public places?

A: In order to effectively prevent the spread of the epidemic, trans-regional mobile people who take planes, high-speed railways, trains, cross-provincial long-distance passenger buses,

cross-provincial passenger ships and other means of transport with a negative nucleic acid test within 48 hours should undergo "landing inspection" after arriving at the destination in accordance with the requirements of the territory.

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