Picking your nose can cause intracranial infections

In daily life, sometimes the nose will produce itching, sneezing and other reactions, many people will rub the nose or pick the nose to play an itchy effect.

However, there are also some people who always can't control to pick their nose, even if there is no booger, boring leisure time also want to pick, feel so comfortable.

But did you know that this little act can cause serious damage to the body?

So why does picking your nose cause intracranial infections? How should you scientifically clean your nose?

In fact, the human body itself has a complete blood-brain barrier, and germs are generally difficult to enter the skull, but there is a "path" that is easily ignored, that is, the facial danger triangle (from both sides of the mouth to the root of the nose area).

Children's face, especially under the nasal mucosa, blood circulation is very rich, and unclean hands may bring bacteria and other pathogens to the nasal mucosa when picking their nose, causing nasal vestibulitis, resulting in intracranial infection.

Even after digging the blood vessel, the bacteria will directly enter the venous cavernous sinus of the skull through the shallow vein and deep vein, resulting in serious intracranial infection.

There is a pus in the nose, simply put, the base camp of bacteria, will pick the nose, a steady stream of substances causing intracranial infection, light fever, headache, serious will induce intracranial suppuration, shock, consciousness disorders, permanent nerve damage, and even death.

Picking your nose often may also cause these diseases

The action of picking your nose does not physically lead to larger nostrils, but if it induces repeated inflammation of the nasal vestibule, leading to tissue proliferation, it may change the shape of the nose.

The cilia in the nasal cavity can swing with breathing, on the one hand to filter dust and germs, on the other hand to eliminate nasal secretions and dust, but also to ensure that the mucosa is breathable and moist.

Often rough picking of the nose is easy to lead to nose bleeding, causing nasal infections, causing sinusitis, otitis media, pharyngitis and so on. In addition to the intracranial infection in the news, it may also cause chronic allergic rhinitis.

People who often pick their nose, nose hair will become less and thinner, the first barrier of the human respiratory tract will be destroyed, and it is easy to lead to colds and flu.

It may also cause damage to the nasal mucosa, repeated damaged surfaces and ulcers in the nasal cavity, and increase the risk of nasopharyngeal cancer.

In addition, when I was a child, when I had a nosebleed, the old man would always tilt his head to stop the bleeding. So, nosebleeds looking up can really stop bleeding?

In fact, nosebleeds will only allow the blood that has flowed out of the nasal cavity to flow back to the throat, and can not achieve a direct hemostatic effect. On the contrary, nosebleed through the throat, when flowing into the digestive tract will produce nausea and cough, stimulate digestive fluid reflux, causing discomfort to the human body, nose for a short time when the amount of bleeding is large, it is also easy to suck into the trachea, bronchus, and the risk of blocking the respiratory tract.

After nosebleeds, the correct way is to slightly lower the head, and then pinch the nose with the index finger and thumb, wait for about 2 to 5 minutes, you can stop, if conditions, you can also cold compress the nose.

So, how can we scientifically clean our noses?

The ordinary secretions in the nasal cavity do not need to be cleaned every day, and the nose hair itself has a certain self-cleaning ability. To clean nasal mucus and boogers, rinse with running water or use a home nasal washer. If there are hard objects in the nasal cavity, you can use a soft cleaning cotton swab dipped in a little clean water or light salt water, rolling clean.

Once there are symptoms of nasal discomfort, or repeated nosebleeds, or back to the nose with blood, to the professional ear, nose and throat hospital as soon as possible for treatment, do not delay the condition.

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