China has 12 construction and engineering companies and six coal mining companies, while the United States has no listed companies in any of these categories.

At the industry level, through the comparison of the industry structure between China and the United States, it can be found that there are 19 Chinese companies on the list of metal products, with an average profit of only $1.1 billion; Nucor, the only American steelmaker in this category, has profits of $7 billion. China has 12 construction and engineering companies and six coal mining companies, while the United States has no listed companies in any of these categories.

Meanwhile, the real estate companies on the list are all from China. However, there are only five real estate companies in China this year, three fewer than last year. The average operating income of these real estate companies rose from last year to $67.88 billion. But the average profit fell, to $2.87 billion.

Wang Zhile pointed out: Since the reform and opening up, especially since the accession to the WTO, China's economic development has experienced large-scale industrialization and urbanization. The real estate industry, building materials, metal products, mining, engineering construction and other industries have risen rapidly, forming a number of huge scale leading enterprises. In recent years, with the basic completion of industrialization and urbanization, the business performance of enterprises belonging to these industries has declined, and some of them have dropped out of the list, which has dragged down the overall business performance of Chinese companies on the list.

Looking at cutting-edge industries, there are six Internet companies on this year's list, namely Amazon, Alphabet Inc and Meta Platforms in the United States, and China's Group, Alibaba Group and Tencent Holdings LTD. These big Chinese and American Internet companies have improved their rankings from last year.

Continuing last year's focus on ICT companies (information and communications technology companies), the U.S. has 19 companies on the list in the world's most competitive high-tech industry sector, with average revenues of $126.2 billion and average profits of $23.7 billion. China has 12 ICT companies on the list, with an average revenue of $78.7 billion and a profit of $7.7 billion. Despite the obvious improvement in the performance of these Chinese companies, the average profit of American companies in this category is three times that of Chinese companies, Wang Zhile noted. Considering that the United States and other developed countries have mastered the core components and key technologies of the industry, and the supervision of Chinese enterprises continues to strengthen, Chinese ICT enterprises need to continue to work hard to reduce the gap with Western enterprises in the United States.

In addition, at the overall industry level, the total revenue of aerospace and defense companies increased by 9%, and the total profit increased by 298%; The total revenue of the auto and parts companies on the list increased by 16%, and the total profit increased by 242%.

At the same time, the four figures of the 50 private companies on the list were $61.4 billion, $4.42 billion, $260.8 billion and $34.9 billion, respectively. Based on these data, we can calculate that the return on sales of listed private enterprises is 7.2%, the return on total assets is 1.7%, and the return on equity is 12.7%. The three indicators of listed soes were 4.3%, 0.95% and 7.8%, respectively. Obviously, the listed private enterprises' operating conditions are better than those of state-owned enterprises, and their profitability is stronger than that of state-owned enterprises. However, the profitability of state-owned enterprises is not strong, and the improvement of competitiveness is the future goal. (Pay attention to the official website of Fortune Chinese and wechat. Download the official APP of Fortune Plus and read the analysis article "The number of large companies in China stabilizes, Enterprises need to Strengthen their competitiveness" for free.

Overall, the number and scale of Chinese companies on the Fortune Global 500 list in 2022 will increase. However, the global industrial chain is being restructured, and the competition rules of global enterprises will also be restructured. The big Chinese companies of the future will inevitably face more severe challenges.

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