Does your own saline solution work

Cough, stuffy nose, runny nose... High incidence of respiratory diseases, many parents in the mother circle, parenting forum to share their own preparation of saline to wash the child's nose to relieve nasal congestion, runny nose and other symptoms of experience. Wash your child's nose at home, what should you pay attention to? Under what circumstances can not wash the nose?

Parents washed their children's noses by themselves, almost causing problems

Because the nose will inhale a lot of air and dust every day, it is inevitable that bacteria and viruses will be mixed, and nose hair and small cilia can play a filtering role, but it is inevitable that there are omissions.

Compared with adults, children's nasal passages are more delicate and more likely to be affected by bacteria, viruses, and various allergens, resulting in discomfort. Nose washing is the use of saline, etc., from one nostril spray, and then the nasal mucus from the other nostril rinse out, can help clean nasal secretions, allergens, viruses, bacteria, etc., relieve nasal mucosal swelling, so as to relieve the child's nasal discomfort symptoms, so that children breathe smoothly, but the operation must be careful.

Children's nasal mucosa is weak, even a seemingly simple nasal washing operation, if not properly operated, may also bring harm to the child. In the clinic, there are many children with problems like Duoduo with improper operation and nasal irrigation.

Ear, nose, throat are connected, nasal cavity and middle ear have a channel called eustachian tube, some parents follow the trend of online shopping nose washer, do not grasp the strength of the water column when washing the nasal cavity to the child, resulting in nasopharyngeal bacteria, viruses through the eustachian tube to the middle ear, resulting in secretory otitis media; Some parents irrigate the nasal cavity of young children, if the child does not cooperate or is not focused, the parents are slightly careless, may damage the child's nasal mucosa.

Food salt + water ≠ normal saline, it is not recommended to use this preparation to wash the nose

Patients with nasal discomfort can use saline to flush the nasal cavity under the guidance of a doctor, but it is not recommended to prepare saline to flush the nasal cavity with edible salt, which is not easy to grasp the saline concentration, and it is difficult to ensure sterility, which may increase the risk of infection in the process of rinsing the nasal cavity.

In addition, most food salt contains iodine, iodine may damage the nasal mucosa, is not suitable for nasal washing.

Saline used for nasal irrigation generally has two concentrations: one is isotonic saline, that is, normal saline, also known as sterile normal saline, which refers to the osmotic pressure of physiological experiments or clinical commonly used and the osmotic pressure of human plasma tissue fluid is basically equal to sodium chloride solution, the concentration is 0.9%; The other is hypertonic saline with a concentration of 1.8% to 2.6%.

Because the osmotic pressure of isotonic saline is basically the same as that of human plasma tissue fluid, it generally does not stimulate the nasal mucosa of patients, and can play a role in relieving nasal congestion and cleaning nasal secretions. Hypertonic saline has high osmotic pressure, can quickly relieve nasal congestion, and is more targeted, but it is not suitable for long-term use.

If it is in the acute attack of sinusitis, upper respiratory tract infection and other diseases, nasal congestion is serious, you can consider short-term use of hypertonic saline according to the doctor's advice.

Note that these conditions should not be washed with normal saline

The recommended way to wash the nose is different for children of different ages.

It is recommended to wash the nose with saline nasal drops for babies under 1 year old: let the baby lie on his side, rinse the nose with the nose drops facing up the nostrils, pay attention to the nasal flush, do not flush against the cartilage in the middle of the nostrils, wipe the snot out of the baby, and then let the baby lie on his side and wash the other side of the nostril.

In addition to nose drops, babies can also use spray or injectable nasal washers.

Older babies can sit and wash their noses, and the child slightly lowers his head forward to let the snot flow out.

Children over 3 years old, if the nose is sticky, need to use a squeeze bottle nasal washer (neti pot); There is also normal saline nasal atomization rinse, the normal saline into atomized particles to rinse the nasal cavity, in the acute attack of sinusitis, upper respiratory tract infection and other diseases, you can even add drugs combined atomization treatment.

When washing the child's nose, we should pay attention to the following aspects: First, control the water temperature, too cold or overheated saline will affect the rinsing effect, and the temperature of the saline rinsing the nasal cavity is recommended to be controlled at 19 degrees Celsius to 40 degrees Celsius; The second is to grasp the frequency and time, it is recommended that the frequency of nasal irrigation is 2 to 3 times a day, which can be appropriately adjusted according to the nasal secretions, the severity of symptoms, and the tolerance of nasal irrigation. If there are other nasal drugs combined, it is recommended to rinse the nasal cavity 10 to 15 minutes before taking the drug; The third is to choose a regular nasal washer; Fourth, do not wash the child's nose with water, because the concentration of water and nasal mucosal secretions is not the same, which may cause damage to the nasal mucosa.

"Saline nasal wash can only relieve nasal discomfort symptoms, can not replace the therapeutic effect of drugs, and can not completely cure the disease." He Dinghua reminded that if the child's nose is blocked, running nose is due to rhinitis, sinusitis and other diseases, to go to the hospital after the relevant examination confirmed. Once diagnosed, should be under the guidance of the doctor formal treatment, regular follow-up, as prescribed by the doctor, relying on normal saline nasal treatment is not feasible. In addition, if combined with swallowing dysfunction, suffering from otitis media, acute inflammation in the nasal cavity, nose bleeding, or suspected of having foreign bodies in the upper respiratory tract, it is not appropriate to use normal saline nasal wash.

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