The head always hurts and the root is in the nose

Headaches are one of the most common symptoms of discomfort in life, and almost every adult has a history of headaches.

There are many causes of headaches, and some diseases are not caused by brain diseases. Common causes include cerebrovascular disease (such as cerebral infarction, cerebral hemorrhage), brain tumor, cervical spondylosis, cardiovascular disease, sinusitis and so on. Yes, you read that correctly. Lesions in the nose can also cause headaches.

Why does sinusitis cause headaches?

Because when we have sinusitis we have nasal congestion, purulent nasal discharge, swelling of the nasal mucosa.

Purulent discharge, bacterial toxins, and mucosal swelling can irritate and compress nerve endings, which can lead to headaches.

Therefore, nasal headaches are more or less accompanied by some related symptoms of the nose.

Sinusitis often affects the quality of life of patients, often dizziness, fatigue, headache, tinnitus, hearing loss, memory loss, attention loss, etc., but also aggravate the symptoms of respiratory infection in patients.

Severe cases also cause cranial, eye, trachea, lung complications may lead to vision changes, meningitis, brain abscess, and even infection aggravation and death.

A small number of patients with allergies, asthma, aspirin intolerance and other specific constitution, the disease is often repeated. But most patients with sinusitis can be cured with medication and surgery.

What causes sinusitis?

Systemic factors: such as weakened body resistance, unclean living and working environment are the causes of the disease, and can also be secondary to acute infectious diseases such as influenza.

Local factors: The main local factors are nasal diseases, such as acute and chronic rhinitis, deviated nasal septum, allergic rhinitis, nasal polyps, nasal foreign bodies and tumors. Infection of adjacent organs, such as tonsillitis, adenoiditis, odontogenic infection, etc.; Due to trauma, such as nasal sinus trauma fracture, foreign body into the sinus, swimming diving or diving methods are not appropriate; Iatrogenic factors, such as prolonged retention of nasal fillers; Previous barotrauma: non-obstructive aerosinusitis.

Got sinusitis how should do? Here are some things we can try:

Go to the otolaryngology - head and neck surgery department of the hospital, ask the doctor to remove the cause for you, remove the obstruction of nasal and sinus ventilation and drainage, and control infection;

The local use of corticosteroid nasal spray, such as prosulone, Nesonat, budesonide, etc. can help alleviate the nasal mucosal edema and improve the nasal sinus drainage.

Deep sea saline nasal local cleaning;

Local hot compress, infrared irradiation, etc.

Purulent drugs: Ginotone, eucalyptus citropinin, mucosolvan;

Antihistamines or hormones, such as exepine nasal spray.

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