Faculty and staff diagnosed with pertussis should not return to work until 5 days after treatment with effective antibiotics, and should wear masks until symptoms disappear

During the period of health monitoring, you can study and work normally, wash your hands frequently, wear masks and other personal protection; Once cough, runny nose, fever and other symptoms, should be seen in time.

Recommends post-exposure prophylaxis for priority close contacts (including infants and young children who have not been fully vaccinated with pertuss-containing vaccines, close contacts in families and in childcare facilities,

staff in childcare facilities with a clear history of exposure, caregivers of infants and young children, medical workers in neonatal units, etc.), That is, drug prophylaxis under the guidance of a clinician within 21 days of exposure (1-2 weeks after exposure if possible).

4.Investigating and handling cluster outbreaks. When clusters of outbreaks are found, county-level CDC agencies should promptly carry out measures such as active case search, case management,

identification and management of close contacts, and environmental disinfection, conduct dynamic epidemic analysis and judgment, strengthen health education, and respond to public concerns in a timely manner.

(1) Maternity Center. Do a good job of daily cleaning and ventilation, and advocate staff and parturients to develop good health habits. Establish a health monitoring system, and do a good job of health monitoring records and registration of absence due to illness.

Parturients, newborns and staff with suspected symptoms of pertussis should seek medical attention in time. Pregnant women should avoid sharing the room with their newborns when they have cough symptoms.

If whooping cough is confirmed, they should be immediately transferred out of isolation for treatment, strengthen health monitoring of newborns, and receive drug prophylaxis under the guidance of clinicians if necessary.

The newborn was hospitalized after diagnosis. Staff should leave the post immediately after diagnosis, take hospital isolation treatment or self-isolation at home according to the condition,

and can return to the post after 5 days of effective antibiotic treatment and obvious relief of cough symptoms. During the work period, they should strictly wear masks until symptoms disappear.

(2) nursery institutions. Do a good job of vaccination certificate inspection and replacement work. Daily cleaning and ventilation should be carried out, prevention and control measures such as morning and afternoon check-ups,

registration and tracking of absence from work and school due to illness should be implemented, and disinfection of key places such as classrooms and toilets should be strengthened after cases occur.

Children with cough, especially persistent cough, should pay close attention and seek medical attention as soon as possible; If whooping cough is confirmed, you can return to the park after 5 days of effective antibiotic treatment and symptoms are relieved.

Faculty and staff diagnosed with pertussis should not return to work until 5 days after treatment with effective antibiotics, and should wear masks until symptoms disappear.

(3) Primary and secondary schools. Do a good job in school vaccination certificate inspection and leakage replanting work. Prevention and control measures such as morning and afternoon check-ups, registration and tracking of absences due to illness.

Students diagnosed with pertussis can return to school after 5 days of effective antibiotic treatment and should wear a mask during indoor activities until symptoms disappear. Faculty and staff diagnosed with pertussis should not return to work until 5 days after treatment with effective antibiotics, and should wear masks until symptoms disappear.

(4) Child welfare institutions and assistance and protection institutions for minors. Strengthen daily epidemic prevention and control, establish a health monitoring system, do a good job of cleaning and ventilation, and encourage staff,

children and minors in institutions to develop good hygiene habits. Children and minors with cough, especially persistent cough, should pay close attention and seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Non-inpatient cases diagnosed with pertussis should be treated according to the doctor's advice, and during the 5-day treatment with effective antibacterial drugs, they should be isolated in a single room.

Caregivers should wear masks and take good personal protection. Staff with persistent cough should wear a mask and seek medical attention as soon as possible. If whooping cough is confirmed, they should not return to work until 5 days after treatment with effective antibiotics.

During work, they should wear a mask until symptoms disappear. Close contacts such as living, living and working with patients in child welfare institutions, rescue and protection institutions should receive drug prophylaxis under the guidance of clinicians.

(5) Medical institutions. Medical institutions that treat patients with pertussis should strictly control nosocomial infection. Strengthen disinfection, isolation and protective measures in hospitals,

and do a good job of case pre-examination and triage. Strengthen ventilation and cleaning and disinfection of inpatient rooms and surfaces. People who receive and care for patients with cough symptoms should wear masks and do a good job of hand hygiene to avoid cross-infection and self-infection.

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