Have you ever wondered why we sleep

Is it a waste of time or a necessity to spend about a third of your day unconscious and unable to respond in time to external dangers?

Why hasn't this link been eliminated by evolution?

What would human life be like if sleep were not a necessity? ...

No, no, no. At this stage, sleep is still an indispensable way for humans and other animals to regain blood.

Why do we sleep?

In fact, scientists have found that all animals with nervous systems need sleep.

The inability of the nervous system to function without sleep is the fundamental reason why animals retain sleep.

The primary task of sleep is to conserve energy for the body. After entering the sleep state, our body temperature will drop 1-2 degrees Celsius, muscle activity and mental activity will also be greatly reduced, and you can save 110 calories a night.

This was undoubtedly an important survival trick for primitive humans and animals.

But now, can eating more every day buy the freedom to not sleep?

No, sleep is more important than that.

What are the wonderful effects of sleep?

You fall asleep, but the processes of protein synthesis, cell renewal, growth hormone release, and immune function repair continue.

The brain takes the opportunity to do a house cleaning, removing metabolic waste and cutting out unnecessary synapses that take up brain capacity. Prepare you for the day ahead.

There is already a lot of scientific evidence that sleep "not only makes us feel good, it also helps the brain find creative answers to everyday problems."

The research team found that the quality, duration and regularity of sleep were positively correlated with academic performance.

Students who go to bed earlier, wake up earlier and get enough sleep also get better grades.

Have you ever woken up with the feeling that everything you learned yesterday has already clicked?

It's sleep helping you consolidate your memories. Scientists have found that the brain activity patterns used during learning are quickly 'replayed' during sleep, giving you a boost in skills the next day.

Therefore, it is not advisable to review all night before the exam, and enough sleep can let the brain give you an external plug.

Finally, let's go back to nature. No matter how many excuses we have to stay up late, sleep is still our anchor after a day of running, as one scholar said after 50 years of sleep research: "The only reason we need sleep is actually very solid, and that is that we get sleepy and become sleepy."

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