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Stomach pain is something almost everyone experiences. Stomach, whether by eating can solve the problem? Stomach upset, drink more soft things to nourish stomach? Drink more milk before you go out drinking, good for your stomach? Eat some yogurt after dinner, can help the stomach digest... A variety of ways to nourish the stomach, in the end which is reliable?

1, the softer the food is cooked, the more it protects the stomach?

Bad! Eating soft and rotten food for a long time can easily lead to malnutrition.

Long-term consumption of soft foods can lead to a lack of vitamin B12. When vitamin B12 deficiency, will show decreased appetite, prone to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. If you eat soft and rotten food for a long time, it will also reduce stomach peristalsis exercise, and the normal function of the stomach will decline.

In addition, soft foods often lack dietary fiber. Dietary fiber is an important nutrient for the formation of gastrointestinal mucosa. Without dietary fiber, the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract will atrophy.


People with chronic gastritis and insufficient stomach power should first find the cause of chronic gastritis, then find a professional doctor for symptomatic treatment, and finally eat a balanced diet in daily life to make our stomach "full of energy".

  1. Can drinking yogurt after meals promote digestion?


Probiotics contained in yogurt include bifidobacterium, lactic acid bacteria, etc., and do not have digestive enzymes. It can only help us digest dietary fiber (about 10%), not protein and fat (the real cause of indigestion). In addition, the protein and fat content of yogurt is very high, and drinking yogurt after a full meal will increase the digestive burden of the stomach!

  1. Can drinking ginger soup relieve stomach pain caused by cold?


Ginger soup can relieve the symptoms of gastrointestinal cold, but people with basic stomach diseases, especially gastric ulcer patients need to be careful when taking ginger soup!

  1. Can drinking milk protect stomach mucosa?


Milk does not protect the gastric mucosa! Under normal circumstances, the stomach is constantly peristaltic, and the gastric acid in the stomach will denature the proteins in the milk, which can not protect the lining of the stomach mucosa. Milk neutralizes stomach acid and relieves acid reflux (cookies and water have the same effect).

5, stomach is bad should eat more vegetarian?


Although vegetables are easier to digest than meat, a long-term vegetarian diet may cause the stomach mucosa to atrophy. In contrast, nutrients from meat can help restore stomach mucosa.

What if the body lacks digestive enzymes and can't eat meat?

It is recommended to supplement some enteral nutrition preparations and digestive enzyme preparations to aid digestion with the help of a specialist and nutritionist.

  1. Is it best to eat less and more meals?


The autonomic nerve regulates the human body to eat, it will secrete stomach acid and bile according to the three meals a day, help the stomach digest food, and also regulate the human body environment. If you eat many meals a day, food will stimulate the digestive tract to continuously secrete gastric acid and bile, resulting in the dysfunction of gastric acid and gastric protein secretion.

Experts remind that normal people do not need to eat more than one day to nourish the stomach, people with gastrointestinal diseases, especially patients with gastric resection, it is necessary to eat more than one day.

Eat eight cents full. This will not add burden to our stomach, but also let us enjoy the fun of food.

To have a balanced diet, stomach problems, we must first go to the regular hospital gastroenterology, nutrition and other diagnosis to see what is the problem. If it is not a big problem, folk remedies can be used appropriately, but you can not believe too much in folk remedies to avoid delaying treatment.

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