How to protect the stomach in Chinese medicine

There is a saying in Chinese medicine: all diseases are born from the spleen and stomach. To protect the spleen and stomach is to enhance the capital to fight against external bacteria and viruses. "Stomach" is to guard immunity, may wish to seize the spring and summer health opportunities, a good stomach, stomach protection.

Due to the reduction of going out, eating incontinence, lack of exercise, irregular sleep and other reasons, the gastrointestinal burden is increased, functional dyspepsia, chronic constipation, irritable bowel syndrome and other gastrointestinal diseases make many people troubled. So, how to protect our stomach and intestines?

Five causes of high incidence of gastrointestinal diseases

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that gastrointestinal diseases are mostly related to factors such as unclean diet and disharmony, emotional frustration, work and rest disorder, feeling exogenous evil, deficiency of spleen and stomach hormone.

[Improper diet] Unreasonable diet structure and eating habits can induce or aggravate gastrointestinal diseases. For example, overeating cold cold, cold will stimulate the stomach mucosa contraction, reduce gastric acid secretion, resulting in indigestion; Can also stimulate smooth muscle, cause contraction spasm, causing pain; At the same time, cold will accelerate gastrointestinal peristalsis, causing diarrhea.

In addition, overeating will increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in indigestion and increasing the chance of pantothenic acid. Acute gastric dilation can lead to gastric perforation, even acute pancreatitis, acute cholecystitis.

Psychological problems are considered to be the cause of many diseases, and some people are too anxious during the epidemic, which will induce abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea or constipation and other problems, which is often referred to as irritable bowel syndrome.

During the special period, many people lack exercise, gastrointestinal peristalsis slows down, and there will be dyspepsia, bloating, constipation and other conditions. At the same time, many people's work and rest patterns are disrupted, stay up late, stay in bed, and some people do not eat breakfast, but often eat late at night, which is easy to cause cholecystitis and gastrointestinal disorders.

[Feeling exogenous evil] It is easy to cause cross infection of Helicobacter pylori, and Helicobacter pylori often causes gastritis and digestive tract ulcers. Leftovers, leftovers or cooked food are not properly stored, they are easy to be contaminated by bacteria, causing gastrointestinal infections, and can also cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and even gastrointestinal inflammation.

[Deficiency of spleen and stomach hormone] Patients with a history of chronic gastritis, chronic enteritis or digestive tract ulcer have fewer medical visits in special periods, poor medication compliance, and are also prone to aggravating gastrointestinal diseases.

How to prevent gastrointestinal diseases effectively

General principles of diet: fresh, light, appropriate, appropriate, regular

First, eat three meals regularly, eat an appropriate amount of fresh fruits, vegetables, high-quality protein and grains;

Second, avoid hard, cold food, do not overeat, do not overeat to avoid increasing the burden of the stomach;

Third, eat as much as possible to eat slowly, not only help digestion, but also reduce the burden of the stomach, reduce the damage of the gastric mucosa;

Fourth, patients with chronic stomach diseases should avoid eating spicy fried food, try to avoid eating overheated, too acidic, or too cold and smoked food to reduce the adverse irritation to the stomach;

Fifth, people with too much stomach acid should avoid eating too sweet and too acidic foods, such as sweet potatoes, tomatoes and sour fruits.

Sixth, patients who are prone to bloating should try to eat less food that is easy to bloat, such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, taro, rice flour, bean products, etc.

Seventh, if the stomach acid, stomach burning feeling is more obvious, should try to avoid tobacco and alcohol, coffee, strong tea, carbonated drinks and other irritating food.

General principles of life: proper exercise, regular work and rest

What is proper exercise? For example, you can learn to do the Five Poultry plays in daily life. The Five Poultry Plays imitate the expressions and movements of five animals: tiger, deer, bear, ape and crane. It was created by Hua Tuo, a god doctor in the Han and Wei Dynasties. It is an important exercise in traditional Chinese health guidance and an effective means of preventing and treating diseases in Chinese medicine. The Five Fowl Play requires the coordination of mind keeping, breath regulation and movement, and shows the movements of different animals by imitating the fierce tiger, the calm bear, the calm deer, and the dexterity of the ape, so that all parts of the body can get targeted exercise. In addition, yoga is another good choice for home exercise.

Seize the opportunity of spring and summer health, master the method of stomach protection, but also to improve their own immunity. Of course, for serious gastrointestinal diseases, it is still necessary to see a doctor in time, and gastroenteroscopy should be performed when necessary, so as not to delay the best time for diagnosis and treatment.

【 Note 】

1, stomach pain, eat stomach medicine did not improve, sleep well, mood did not fluctuate, or accompanied by chest tightness, back pain, it is necessary to be alert to stomach pain is not necessarily a stomach disease, may be caused by heart disease pain. Even "stomach disease", can be chronic superficial gastritis or functional gastrointestinal diseases, can also be erosive gastritis, gastric ulcer and even stomach cancer, need to go to the hospital.

2, if only slight abdominal pain, diarrhea, may just "eat bad belly", pay attention to cleaning, light diet, often can heal themselves, but if the diarrhea is more serious, more than three times a day, dehydration and performance as pale, dry mouth, or feces with mucus, pus and blood, or accompanied by fever, nausea, vomiting, to go to the hospital in time.

3, if over 50 years of age suddenly appear constipation, intestinal obstruction symptoms, or accompanied by rapid weight loss, or blood stool or anemia, go to the hospital in time.

4, if there is a history of gastrointestinal disease, medicine does not improve, can not sleep, easy to get angry, or because of emotional changes induced or aggravated, may be functional gastrointestinal disease, you can adjust life habits at home observation.

5, over the age of 55, new stomach pain or indigestion, or vomiting, black stool, persistent vomiting, dysphagia or pain, progressive wasting, to seek medical attention in time.

Preventive health care methods of traditional Chinese medicine

Massage Hegu, Zusanli, Zhongwan or A Shi point, can play an urgent and slow pain relief, slow healing and rehabilitation. Specific operations are as follows:

Kneading method: Lie on your back, knead your abdomen with your palms, and perform rotation movements mainly on your wrists. Turn right 10 times with your right hand, then turn left 10 times, then hold your left hand and rotate left and right 10 times each. When kneading from slow to fast, and then from fast to slow, the force should be even. Do this repeatedly for 10-15 minutes.

Press method: Press the abdomen with the middle finger and index finger, from the upper part of the abdomen down, and then from the lower part of the abdomen up, and pay attention to whether the abdominal cavity is soft and hard and tender points, as well as the limitation and mobility of the sound of qi through the water.

Push method: Push the palm up and down, left and right, back and forth, and identify the position and direction of the soft and hard bars in the abdominal cavity by the sensitivity of the palm, and promote the tissue reduction or spasm relief with the flexibility of the palm and finger.

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