Tinnitus can be relieved by massage

You will suddenly appear tinnitus, dizziness, eye symptoms, these symptoms are not very concerned about, slow for a while, in fact, this is also a disease signal, if you do not pay attention to it, it may harm your health, then what is the cause of tinnitus?

What diseases can cause tinnitus?

Ear disease

Tinnitus may be caused by ear diseases, such as otitis media, otosclerosis, foreign bodies in the external ear canal, deafness, etc.In middle ear diseases, a small number of chronic otitis media patients can have tinnitus, but the degree is mild.Tinnitus in otosclerosis is more pronounced, beginning with intermittent low pitch and gradually increasing into persistent tinnitus.

Tinnitus caused by diseases of the inner ear is mostly high-pitched and intermittent or persistent.

Tinnitus is a precursor of deafness, and about 70% of sudden deafness patients are accompanied by tinnitus before and after deafness.

Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

Tinnitus caused by high blood pressure is generally bilateral. Arteriosclerosis, heart valve disease, etc., can also cause pulsating tinnitus.

Nasopharyngeal carcinoma

In nasopharyngeal cancer patients, about half of the patients have tinnitus phenomenon.

The eustachian tube, which connects the human nasopharynx with the middle ear cavity, regulates the air pressure in the middle ear cavity and maintains the balance of pressure inside and outside the tympanic membrane. Nasopharyngeal cancer often occurs near the opening of the nasopharyngeal drum tube, and the cancer compresses the opening of the eustachian tube, leading to obstruction, which causes tinnitus.

Liver and kidney disease

Some office workers have just joined the work, but found that they have appeared tinnitus, deafness symptoms.

To the hospital after examination was told that the liver and kidney is not good. Many workers daily work and rest, living and eating habits are irregular, it is easy to harm the liver and kidney.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the liver opening in the eyes, liver Yin is insufficient, so the two eyes dry. Empty fire on the disturbance, not on the water so dry throat dry mouth. Liver and kidney Yin deficiency, heart fire easy hyperactivity, will lead to tinnitus and deafness.


Tinnitus may also be a neurasthenic patient, because the patient will have excessive mental tension, resulting in the central nervous system in the ear into a hyperactive state, you can hear the outside world does not exist and the sound from their ears, indirectly leading to tinnitus,

Acupressure for tinnitus

  1. Press and rub the ear acupuncture points

Use the thumb ends of both hands to knead the two sides of the listening palace point, Yifeng point, the strength to feel acid swelling is better. When kneading, pay attention to open your mouth, each point for 1 minute. The acupoint of the auditory palace is located in the front of the tragus of the ear.

This point has the effect of promoting qi and blood, opening the ear, and has certain therapeutic effect on ear diseases, especially tinnitus caused by various reasons.

Yifeng point is located at the midpoint between the mastoid and mandibular Angle of the temporal bone behind the earlobe. This point has the effect of activating blood circulation, calming the mind and promoting the ear, and has a better preventive and therapeutic effect on ear diseases.

  1. Rub your ears

With the index finger in front, thumb in back on the front and back of the ear root, a total of 3 minutes, with the ear root heat as the degree. This technique can effectively improve the blood circulation in the ear, especially for the inner ear ischemia caused by treble tinnitus can play a good therapeutic role.

  1. Ear twist method

Knead both earrings and earlobes with thumb and index finger at the same time, from top to bottom for 3 minutes, so that both ears warm to a degree. There are many acupuncture points and nerve reflex points on the earring and earlobe. Gentle twisting and rubbing can stimulate the reflex points benign, which helps to improve the ear environment, promote the elimination of middle ear inflammation and assist the maintenance of inner ear nerve function.

  1. Play the sky drum

Rub the two palms together, so that each other generates heat, then press on both ears, palm aligned with the ear canal, four fingers attached to the back of the pillow, slowly press, slowly release (pay attention to relax gently to avoid inner ear pain) 3 times, so 1 times, a total of 5 times.

This technique also gives a certain benign stimulation to the middle ear by changing the pressure in the ear canal, and has a good therapeutic effect on low-pitch tinnitus.

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