Baby otitis media unexpectedly due to improper nursing posture

Try not to play with the child just after feeding, and change the child's diaper should be selected before feeding

Some parents like to place the baby flat on the bed with the bottle almost vertical when feeding their child. When the baby's mouth or nose spills, wipe it clean and continue feeding.

As everyone knows, this feeding method is likely to lurk in the risk of inducing otitis media in children.

The human ear, nose, throat and throat organs appear to be independent of each other, but in fact they are connected together by the eustachian tube.

The Eustachian tube is the only channel in the middle ear for ventilation and drainage, and has a very important function, which is to guide nasopharyngeal gas into the tympanum.

In normal times, the eustachian tube is closed, and outside gas cannot enter, but when swallowing, chewing, sneezing or crying, the eustachian tube will open to maintain the balance of air pressure on both sides of the tympanic membrane, so as to ensure the normal vibration of the tympanic membrane.

The development of the middle ear of young babies is not perfect, and the contraction of the muscle of the eustachian tube is weak, and the opening of the nasopharynx is low, and the liquid of the pharynx is easy to flow into the middle ear.

When feeding, let the baby lie flat or feed too much, too fast, the baby has no time to swallow and cough, it is easy to make the milk from the pharynx into the middle ear, resulting in the occurrence of acute otitis media.

If the baby's acute otitis media is not treated in time, it can cause eardrum perforation and lead to hearing loss, if the disease continues to develop, the water in the middle ear cavity is absorbed and becomes sticky, which can make the invagination eardrum adhesion-fixed, progressive deafness can occur in severe cases, or complicated with more serious intracranial infections (such as meningitis, brain cysts, etc.), and even life-threatening.

Therefore, once the baby is found acute otitis media, it should be sent to the doctor in time.

Earache is a very important feature of otitis media, but for the baby who can't speak and can't express earache with language, mom and dad usually need to be carefully observed. If the baby has the following symptoms, it should be alert:

  1. The baby refuses to eat, always cries very badly, cannot sleep soundly, always scratches his ears with his hands, or rubs his head against the pillow constantly;

  2. Fever without cause, body temperature can rise to 37.8~40℃;

  3. Discharge of pus from the ear;

  4. Although there is no pus flowing out, secretory otitis media can cause temporary hearing impairment in the baby, which is manifested as the baby becoming less sensitive to external sounds.

When feeding, the baby's head and upper body should be raised, the milk volume and speed should be properly controlled, and the size of the pacifier hole should be appropriate when feeding with a bottle.

After feeding, stand up the baby's upper body, face on the mother's shoulder, gently pat the back until the milk hiccup, and then gently put it down, take the right lying position, and slightly raise the head.

Try not to play with the child just after feeding, and change the child's diaper should be chosen before feeding.

When the baby is leaking milk, it should be picked up or turned to the side to avoid milk inhalation into the airway.

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