The air conditioner is in the wrong place

The weather is hot, many friends like to cool down by blowing air conditioning, but because of this, "air conditioning disease" also followed, there are friends in life because of a long time to blow air conditioning, resulting in respiratory system infection, critical condition was admitted to the intensive care unit, did not expect to use the wrong air conditioning is so dangerous, why air conditioning will appear respiratory system infection? What diseases may be caused by improper use of air conditioning? How should we blow the air conditioner correctly? , why does air conditioning cause respiratory infection?

  1. The stimulation of cold air will affect the respiratory system. Respiratory system under the action of cold air, it is easy to appear respiratory system infection, just as the elderly are particularly prone to bronchitis and pneumonia in winter or autumn.

  2. The air conditioner itself may carry certain pathogens, especially the air conditioner that has been shelved for a long time, there is a lot of dust, and even some pathogenic microorganisms. If it is not used suddenly for a long time, a large number of microorganisms may permeate the entire air through the air conditioning wind, and then enter the body, inducing respiratory system infection.

Using the wrong air conditioner can make you sick

  1. Respiratory diseases

Mild cough, sneezing, runny nose, etc., serious cause pneumonia, fever, fear of cold, muscle aches, dry cough, no sputum or less sputum symptoms. People with allergic rhinitis are easy to induce repeated sneezing and runny nose because of hot and cold stimulation, and patients with chronic bronchitis and asthma are easy to induce acute attacks. The air is not circulated, leading to viruses and bacteria to multiply and grow, it is easy to induce pharyngitis.

  1. Digestive tract diseases

The digestive tract diseases induced by air conditioning are not organic infections, but functional diseases. The smooth muscles of the abdomen and peripheral blood vessels in the high frequency of hot and cold switching, will work together to cause gastrointestinal cramps, and some people have stomach pain or abdominal pain diarrhea.

  1. Cardiovascular disease

The contraction of human blood vessels in a cold environment will lead to increased blood pressure, sudden heart attacks, angina pectoris, local blood vessel contraction will appear pain, and some elderly people even have myocardial infarction and brain infarction.

  1. Gynecological diseases

Cold environment can lead to menstrual discomfort symptoms, such as dysmenorrhea, menstrual blood color black, blood clots, fear of cold and so on.

  1. Motor system disease

After staying in the air-conditioned room for a long time, the contraction of human blood vessels leads to reduced blood flow to the nerve muscles supplied by blood vessels. In the state of ischemia and hypoxia, the muscle and joint tissues appear painful symptoms, such as cervical and lumbar spine pain, muscle stiffness, shoulder and knee pain, which is especially serious when blowing cold wind.

  1. Elevated blood sugar

Air conditioning for a long time may lead to increased blood sugar in diabetics. Cold stimulation will make the sympathetic nerve in the body in an excited state, and diabetic patients have insufficient insulin secretion, on the one hand, resulting in increased blood sugar, on the other hand, insufficient heat production and weak cold resistance.

  1. Dry eyes

If you stay in an air-conditioned room for a long time, the cold air will cause tears to evaporate too quickly and reduce tears.

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